Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How Teachers Influence Pupil Learning And Success

How might teachers influence pupil learning and success? Consider some of the key features of high-quality teaching and how teachers might promote children’s success in the primary classroom? Teachers unquestionably have a major influence on pupil learning and success, this influence has increased further with the implementation of the new National Curriculum which has placed an onus on the teacher, making it their responsibility for assessing pupils’ learning and the progress which the pupils’ are making. The levels system from previous National Curriculums had been in service in the English education system for the past 20 years has been scrapped and with its removal it has given teachers â€Å"greater flexibility in the way that they plan†¦show more content†¦Another key feature of high quality teaching is the teachers ability to adapt to the different style of learners which they have in their class. Koshy, Ernest Casey (2000) carried out an interesting piece of research which investigated the retention of learning when different teaching strategies were used. The results findings were very interesting, 5% of a maths class retained information when presented in a formal lecture, 10% retained information when the same words were read, 20% retained information when the teacher used audio-visual aids, 30% of the class retained the information when a practical demonstration was carried out, 50% retained the information when they were challenged to

Monday, December 23, 2019

Night- Elie Wiesel Practice Essay - 1348 Words

â€Å"Night’ shows that even in the most brutalising conditions, people still behave humanely. To what extent do you agree?† In the text Night, written by Elie Wiesel, it is a horrific story about how the Nazi’s invaded Wiesel’s hometown of Sighet, Hungry and where taken under German control and sent to many concentration camps. During his time at the concentration camps, Elie and fallow Jews were in harsh and unforgettable conditions and treated severe from the Germans that no one could imagine. There is plenty of evidence which supports that even through many people turned and began to do dreadful things to one another; there were the very few people who stayed calm and gentle within all of the commotion. Night’ illustrates the†¦show more content†¦One of the worst things that happened constantly in the camps did not just have to watch people die, or eve seeing the massive piles of dead bodies but the Germans made the Jews burn their fellow prisoners bodies in the crematoriums. The Jews were taken out of their homes and thrown into camps, while watching people die all around them if cruel and violent conditions as the Germans heartlessly treated them like animals. Through-out the novel Night’, it is shown that under such cruel and heartless conditions that the prisoners begin to turn on each other. Such acts of violence not only from the Germans but also from fallow in-mates attack and sometimes kill one another. While for some they didn’t want to act in such horrific ways, but only to survive they didn’t what was needed. One of the first glimpses of how the prisoners would do what even it takes to survive even if it meet kill someone close to them was that of the son and father. On the train to Buchenwald, as it passes through German towns, some German works through a little bit of bread into the carts of the train, as the prisoners begin to fight over the bread the works get amused by it and begin to throw more. As a result of the bread being thrown on the train many die, to the amusement of the German works. One of the in-mates that die is through, prisoners turning on each other, the old man died as a result of his own son not having any will-power it overcome the temptation of being able toShow MoreRelatedEliezer Wiesels Relationships1270 Words   |  6 Pages Elie Wiesel was a young boy, when his life changed drastically. He was born in Sighet, Transylvania, which is now Romania. He was born to Shlomo and Sarah, which they had four children, Hilda, Bea, Tsiporah, and Eliezer. Wiesel and his family practiced the Jewish religion, before he was forced into the concentration camps. In the novel Night, Elie Wiesel had a strong belief in God. When Elie and his family were sent off to the concentration camps, he tested his belief in God. In the novel NightRead MorePeople Hating People throughout History793 Words   |  3 Pagesin their hands, engraved a number on our left arms. I became A7713. After that I had no other name.†(Wiesel 39). Wiesel is talking about how his identity was just taken away from him. And how it was so easy to just become a number, and nothing but a number, so quickly. He had no other identity other than the one given to him when his original name was taken away from him. As a result, Mr. Wiesel and many other humans have and are being stripped of their identity and becoming, or have become, nothingRead MoreNight And Black Boy Comparative Essay860 Words   |  4 PagesNight and Black Boy Comparative Essay Elie Wiesel’s Night and Richard Wright’s Black Boy are memoirs based on their authors’ experiences with discrimination. They both take place during the 1940s, and though Night is set in Nazi-dominated Europe and Black Boy is set in the American South, many parallels can be drawn between Elie and Richard’s experiences. Elie and Richard both face extensive discrimination based on their race, but can do little to change their situations. As a result, they are forcedRead MoreThe Holocaust Violated Human Rights Essay example2617 Words   |  11 Pagesat this time that the Germans began to practice their inhumanity. There was no secret of the violence that the Jews suffered. Everyone, young, middle-aged, or old could witness the destruction of public morality (Wollenberg 15). One eyewitness account of what took place during the Holocaust is Elie Wiesel’s Night. His autobiography gives an account of what happened to the Jews as well as how Hitler destroyed human rights during his reign. Wiesel uses his personal accounts to show justRead MoreThe Holocaust Final Exam Essay Essay2078 Words   |  9 PagesThe Holocaust Final Exam Essay Gerald J. Golden II University of Detroit Mercy Prompt 4 As scary as it may seem, I see many similarities to Germany in the 1930’s and the United states present day. You may ask yourself why do you feel this way seeing we seem so very different than this foreign country. In this first prompt, I will try to explain my point of view and explore what may need to be said to Mr. Trump to prevent and act like this from occurring yet another time. History isRead MoreHunger Games vs.Holocaust Essay examples1273 Words   |  6 PagesThe game players were there to entertain the people of the capitol and to remind the districts of their vulnerability.   This is similar to the situation of the Jews in Night.   They produced goods and services for the Nazi’s.   Their gold crowns were removed form their teeth so the Nazi could use the gold’s during the war (52 Wiesel). Toward the end of The Hunger Games, the stylist team prepared the winner Katniss for her appearance on the stage.   The team was more focused on what they were doing atRead More The Use of Narratives to Express the Religious Beliefs of People in Western Religions1954 Words   |  8 Pagesin which our society identifies the Western religions. The Jewish tradition is best correlated to stories like the Exodus and the parting of the Red Seas, for example, as are the many tales of the miracles of Jesus connected to Christianity. This essay will pres ent narratives as an easy method of providing the basic groundwork for the Western religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because of their simplicity and easily transmittable nature. Furthermore, narratives impart many ofRead MoreHistory and Laws of Death Penalty2834 Words   |  11 Pagesof the 1700s the abolitionist movements towards the death penalty bargain. The first person to call for an end of this form of punishment was a European, Cesare Beccaria. He wrote an essay which he called On Crimes and Punishment in which he argued that the states had no right to take an individuals life. His essay provided renewed energy to all those who were against the death penalty and the result was an abolition of this punishment in Austria and Tuscany. In the United States the first efforts

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Justification for Torture Free Essays

Torture is a scenario that dates back to the old government ages. Is government torture ever justified? This answer is can be answered by this quote,†Torturing the terrorist is unconstitutional? Probably. But millions of lives surely outweigh constitutionality â€Å"(Levin 1). We will write a custom essay sample on Justification for Torture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Who would not save the lives of fellow citizens If the only option to solve the issue was torturing an individual for his crimes? Many people would see the situation as a sacrifice for the better of the people. The lives of Americans should be the most important priority of a nation. Torture is justified as long it is for the safety of the people and not for the mere cause of violence. Torture is the considered to be a harmful mentally and physically to anyone. It is a very well known method in the time of war. There have been many cases where it used on children and women. The course of torture can range from physical abuse to sexual abuse. Those are without a doubt an international crime. Using torture on innocent human being is completely out of the question. The use of torture in terms of water boarding on terrorist can be another matter. Torture without a doubt is a cruel treatment for an individual but it must be a nation policy (Falbaum 15). Saving innocent lives should be a governments priority in a â€Å"ticking time bomb † scenario. The scenario states, lets say an officer, got control of a terrorist planning an attack on hundreds of people. It is highly likely this terrorist will be interrogated by other officials to obtain information about the attack. Torture should be an option if the individual refuses to give the data to save hundreds of lives. Falbaum also mentions that 9/11 attack could been prevented if the United States had torture as part of their system. If the US policy was more strict at those times the terrorist would have feared their policy or would have captured their leader and gained details about the whereabouts of the attack. A poll shows that majority of registered citizens prefer harsh techniques that can keep America safe (Bauer 27). The society should support inhumane behaviors like torture if it is seen as last hope for innocent lives. Successful interrogations can keep America safe for the future. The world revolves around information and if your country is lacking information, terrorists can take advantage of the situation. Using torture on terrorists to gain information will benefit in prevention of future attacks on the country. Marc A. Thiessen goes into detail how many terrorists that have been interrogated provided them with reliable information that ended up saving thousands of American lives. â€Å"Thiessen believes that terrorist suspects will talk if pressured in the right way† (Thiessen 36). Some people may argue that torture does not provide the right detail because the victim will say anything to stop the deadly act. A statement said by the terrorist Abu Zubayah explains that captive terrorist tends to resist as long as they can, if they fail to do this they are given permission by their religious belief to tell what they have known. â€Å"The job of the interrogator is to safely help the terrorist do his duty to Allah, so he then feels liberated to speak freely â€Å"(Thiessen 40). It leads to show if the US practice and enhance their torture techniques it will lead to a safer nation. What techniques can be considered torture? Water-boarding is the act where the victim is drained water on his head to stimulate the pain of drowning. Water-boarding to Joseph Farah is not considered torture. He states that the technique is relatively safe with the right management. Not only that he argues that United State also practice this technique on their own soldiers as training (Farah 82). According to him while water-boarding is very abhorrent it is not as bad as cutting of a hand or anything gore. The truth is Water-boarding is very effective and most of the time the result are given in less than a minute. The success stories range from learning about al-Qaida’s top plans. It is said that the terrorist agents resisted normal interrogations for hours and hours but gave into water-boarding sooner than the word can be said. This scenario can happen anywhere in the nation. Lets say an al-Qaida member was captured by the CIA and found whereabouts of bombs being placed around a city. They hire the top of the line negotiators to spoil the information. The real question still remains. Will they be able to make the terrorist member talk before it’s too late? Then again we could resort to the use of water-boarding and save their lives before it is too late. It is not like we have torn their limbs off to order to get the information. â€Å"But a few seconds of dripping water on a prisoner’s face? That’s not torture to me â€Å"(Feah 85). Some believe that torture disregard true American standards. Patrick J. Buchanan gives a great insight about this issue. He states that torture is viable as long as it fit to save the American people. It is just like how murder is seen unethical yet you see soldiers and cops given the permission to kill as long as it fits the right scenario (Buchanan 55). Would a war hero that killed twenty men in order to rescue 2,000 citizens receive a death sentence? Just because he murdered 20 men, no. He would be honored as a hero he so deserved to be. There are doctors that inflicts pain to many soldiers in the war field by cutting of parts of their body. This saves their life by preventing death by decay. These are one of the exceptions that torture should be given into. Take for example someone’s son or daughter was captivated by a terrorist group. One of their remember was found, he would not spoil or hint any information by simple conversations. What will a parent would want from the government to do? It does not matter if they oppose torture or not, a parent would choose water-boarding compared to the death of their child. Torture is not to be taken lightly but should be considered an option if the situation arise. Torture should the last option if it ever to be used. It a very sensitive topic for many people. There are groups that strongly rejects torture in any situation and there are people that support torture if it leads to saving lives. Ultimately saving lives should be the priority of any government. If it result in agreeing to an â€Å"harsh techniques † like water-boarding to stop future 9/11 attacks, the majority will agree. It is very hard to come to a conclusion about this specific topic because both sides can provide very good viewpoints. It will be one of those controversial topic that will go on for decades. How to cite Justification for Torture, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Target’s Australia Social Media Presence and Strategy Sample for Stude

Question: Discuss Targets Australia Social Media Presence and Strategy? Answer: Introduction Target is a famous discount retailer in the Australia slightly following in the retail business. The present competitive business environment demands the use of diverse means towards achieving a large market share in the business world. The brand has managed to market itself to the diverse target audience using various marketing strategies aimed at promoting and advertising products to its consumers. The social media presents a wide tool for creating marketing opportunities aimed at growing the awareness of the firm and consequently increasing its revenues (Paniagua Sapena, 2014). The paper looks at the diverse means through which Target Australia uses the social media to access its audience, promote its products, and obtain a significant market share. Social Media Presence Target Australia as a player ranked among the top retailers has a well-designed social strategy that cuts across the major and dominant social sites. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media sites have a large following essential for the promotion of business ventures (Mercadal, 2014). Facebook has a growing user number of over a billion people with Twitter reaching almost half a billion with the other ones attracting large followings at their local levels. Target uses the diverse sites in creating awareness of its company and growing its brand recognition. Indeed, the firm does a lot to increase its social media presence owing to the numerous fans on the diverse pages created by the company. First, Target has a fan page on Facebook where the over 2000 likes demonstrate the level of awareness the firm has created for its business (Kaplan Haenlein, 2010). Besides having the high number of likes on the site, the firm goes beyond the likes to maintaining the high level of engagement that creates traffic to its social site. Therefore, Facebook presence proves the high rate of presence for the firm given the response and engagement by its customers. Besides, the firm has a strong presence on the Twitter site through the handle @Target, which experiences a high traffic that proves the efforts of the enterprise to increase awareness and development in business (Gaudin, 2015). Target Australia takes advantage of the offering by using the social media source to respond promptly to customer queries and interact with clients towards creating a good relationship. With the media source being wide and reaching several individuals, the firm manages to maintain a great presence on the site while meeting the needs of its clients through timely response (Albarran, 2013). Consequently, the individuals satisfied with the firm refer others to the site thereby growing the brand recognition. Moreover, the firm uses the Instagram handle in creating awareness of its products by uploading photos of the products on offer which increases the brand recognition for the business. The firm maintains the awareness by addressing the issues raised on a commodity thus remaining relevant in the market (Guth Marsh, 2016). The number of likes on the images indicates the kind of engagement that justifies the awareness rate of the firm (Percy, Elliott, Rosenbaum-Elliott, 2016). Maintaining the presence in the top three leading social sites as well as others in the local levels increases the brand name of the firm through the awareness created. Consequently, it is evident that the firm maintains a steady presence on the social media which boosts Targets brand name. Target succeeds in maintaining its presence since it attracts consumers using a 360-degree approach by remaining present in the diverse social sites (Gaudin, 2015). Therefore, it is realistic that the firm maintains a significant presence on the social media judging from the active participation by individuals as well the promise of marketing using the social media. Social Media Audience The social media is composed of diverse categories of people from all walks of life. Target as a retailer enjoys the diverse opportunity created by the social media and the nature of its business whose goods can be used by the broad category of individuals in the Australian market (Target 2017). Facebook presents a considerable percentage of the internet users in the world. The platform gives individuals the chance to reach its customers who exist on the social media (Johnson, 2016). The social media audience presents a significant market for the business of the firm who through their interaction manage to create concern and awareness of the business model (Scott, 2015). Judging from the case of numerous followers who respond and engage in conversations with the company, it is evident that the firm has a considerably high number of audiences on the social media. Besides, the social media users exist in the societies who are active consumers of the products by the firm (Fan, Gordon, 2014). In this case, the firm has a huge audience who are connected through the social sites based on the interaction levels experienced in the social media page. At the same time, the social media has a high percentage of youths who remain in active participation on the social site. As a result, the youths act as marketers for different groups thus leading to a high probability of individuals seeking and giving a referral to others thus expanding the audience for the business (Kohli, Suri Kapoor, 2015). The firm uses the social media to build its audience through advertising the products all over the social media and on their fan pages thus leading to the adoption of increased numbers of the audience for the business (Zhu Chen, 2015). The fact that the business develops products used by a broad population increases the number of audience for the firm. Social Media Marketing The social media remains one of the most active avenues in for marketing of products and services of companies. In this respect, Target benefits a lot by using the avenue to promote, market, and address the issues on products leading to customer acceptability of the products (Leonardi, 2015). Marketing is a concept that can only be viable when the right people have been targeted for marketing (Schlinke Crain, 2013). Target as a firm achieves the marketing concept through the diverse means it uses to reach its online social media individuals. The firm has a huge presence on the social media which experiences a constant interaction from most of the clients seeking help or recommending changes on a product. The platform presents huge opportunities for marketing that the firm uses to promote its products. The firm uses the channel in promotion the products it offers by taking a photo of the same and having them published. Once published, the reviewers and consumers are given a chance to comment on the products and air out their concerns leading to prompt address (Jin, Liu, Austin, 2014). In the same way, an increased number of people get to know of the products and more so the product itself. The responses given on the advertising efforts reveal the type of commitment placed on the firms use of the social media. The diverse people present get to know of the products on offer thus marketing the products as well as its brand name (Aral, Dellarocas Godes, 2013). Besides, the firm in its marketing venture considers the aspect of referrals where it asks its fans to refer clients to its business through the provision of a link that redirects individual to the main website where they can view the products and grow the possibility of becoming clients (Dijkmans, Kerkhof, Beukeboom, 2015). Besides, the firm markets its brand name by addressing the concerns of the respondents on their business offering in a way that attracts new and existing clients to the business. Satisfied customers whose queries on issues are addressed earlier tend to find favor with a firm and increase their ability to refer others to a service (Dijkmans, Kerkhof, Beukeboom, 2015). In this respect, the firm accepts the errors expressed by clients and provide a timely solution for their products. In so doing, customers tend to draw close to such businesses and increase their loyalty standards thus reaching a wide population of individuals. Communication with clients is an important marketing concept that the firm utilizes through the social media platforms. For instance, the firm has a Facebook page where it writes to inform its clients of different products and allows for complaints to be lodged where the customer support team addresses such concerns (Vernuccio, 2014). In the process of solving issues, the firm manages to reach others who upon viewing the provisions can draw a liking to the products on offer. Therefore, the communication aspect of the business manages to act positively towards marketing the products and the brand name of the firm. Moreover, the firm takes the initiative of close relationship with its clients towards furthering its marketing efforts. The firm engages in the social lives with its fans by sending them birthday wishes and other holiday gifts through the social media (Dijkmans, Kerkhof Beukeboom, 2015). The concept creates an attachment with the consumers on its fan base thus developing the aspect of inclusivity in the main business (Target, 2017). As individual develop the sense of belonging, they tend to draw closer to the business increasing their loyalty standards. Besides, the peer influence acts positively in this case, where firms upon experiencing the kind of relationship created tend to develop a liking for the business thus joining in the business. Target uses the seasonal approach to market its goods to the customers. For instance, the firm promotes back to school products on its fan pages where a link exists to its mobile app (Gaudin, 2015). In the app, the firm provides a checklist to its clients which provide ease in choosing products in its back to school campaign. A classic example of the case is in the advertisement of the goods during fathers day where the firm displayed a product and beneath left the message Give dad something he can show off! while posting the image of sunglasses, watch, and t-shirt available at its store (Gaudin, 2015). The marketing tool appeals to individuals who would most probably be convinced to purchase a product for the fathers day. Besides, it gives alternatives for customers preferring their selection; the firm in its app provides a styler tool which allows for customization of products needed (Mangold Faulds, 2009). Such provisions giving ease to the clients promote product purchase and the growth of a brand name. Furthermore, the firm promotes knowledge of its business through the social media where in its posts gives the store location of its several outlets to clients for ease of purchase. Clients can then interact and seek for stores close to their neighborhood and have the response team reply with the location. Publishing the locations across the social sites enables a strategic marketing plan of the stores which contribute to its overall business goals. Social responsibilities act as core marketing initiative that leads to product awareness to the market. The firm carries out its CSR activities to the community and publishes the images and information on a particular activity. The firm donates 5 percent of its revenues to charitable events as in the case of 'Give with Target' aimed at funding education ventures for the less fortunate (Target, 2017). Consequently, the interaction with individuals through the initiative allows for a positive image which attracts consumers to the business. Eventually, the firm posts the images of the projects in progress to increase the touch with the community. Customers and other social media users pleased with the initiative tend to rate the firm positively thus leading to potential clients and adoption of a significant market for the commodities. Ethics, Privacy, and Security Marketing on the social media calls for certain ethical considerations for the public and the end users. First, the firm stays away from controversies and biases by neutralizing their advertisements to base on pure business concepts and hence providing no alignment to along ethical, cultural, or political lines which might limit its marketability (Target, 2017). Besides, the firm considers the right to privacy and thus stays away from the use of personal email obtained from the social media sites to promote its products (Gaudin, 2015). In any case, it seeks to do so, it seeks for permission from individual users who themselves have to grant permission before execution of such actions. The firm remains transparent and explains the products it offers for marketing and the relevance of the product to their lives. Before posting a tweet, the customer car department thinks of the comment to avoid an adverse effect on the users. In this case, it considers ethical guidelines towards marketing. The considerations allow the firm to propel in the market as it stays away from controversy while responding to the market demands adequately. Social Media Technologies Target uses several social media technologies in its business for marketing, creating awareness, and interacting with its clients. Facebook is the widely used technology by the firm where it shares blogs of its products, events, and updates on the business ventures (Target, 2017). Besides, it shares pictures on the firms activities, shares social responsibilities done by the firm, and posting videos of the same. At the same time, it posts poll questions on the services provided thus finding statistics on the product development (Target, 2017). Moreover, the firm uses the technology through an event page where all the information for the firm remains open to the public. On the other hand, the firm uses LinkedIn in running its advertisements and registers events while checking the profile of the attendees. Besides, it uses the site to create a LinkedIn group for different events and promote its products through the same avenue. In the same line, the firm uses Twitter by creating dedicated event hashtags where views and suggestions on the event and be communicated by individuals towards spreading awareness (Target, 2017). At the same time, photos advertising products can be posted on the social media thereby reaching out to several people in the society. The tweets remain relevant to the business thus promoting the activities and revenue stream of the business. Youtube and Flickr remain essential sites for posting videos of the firms presentations and social activities aimed at marketing and creating awareness of the business (Target, 2017). Conclusion Target Australia as a firm makes good use of the social media as an avenue to marketing products in the competitive world. The firm manages to meet the diverse needs of its clients by maintaining a large presence on the sites that have huge followings more so by its clients. Besides, it uses the avenue to create awareness of the upcoming events and products which end up popularizing the stores to individuals. The firm manages to stand out from the rest of the businesses by advertising to the present diverse audience on the social media. In this respect, the firm engages its customers in interactive talks and chats that lead to awareness creation on the diverse products sold by the firm. The careful selection of sites and ethical considerations are essential towards its productivity. Therefore, it is evident that the firm remains ahead in the use of the latest technology provisions to meet and resolve concerns raised by clients concerning its business. References Albarran, A. B. (2013).The social media industries. Routledge. Aral, S., Dellarocas, C., Godes, D. (2013). Introduction to the special issuesocial media and business transformation: a framework for research.Information Systems Research,24(1), 3-13. Dijkmans, C., Kerkhof, P., Beukeboom, C. J. (2015). A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation.Tourism Management,47, 58-67. Dijkmans, C., Kerkhof, P., Beukeboom, C. J. (2015). A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation.Tourism Management,47, 58-67. Fan, W., Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics.Communications of the ACM,57(6), 74-81. Gaudin, S. (2015). Target troll proves its all or nothing with corporate social media.retrieved from https://www.computerworld.com/article/2973513/social-business/target-troll-proves-it-s-all-or-nothing-with-corporate-social-media.html Guth, D. W., Marsh, C. (2016).Public relations: A values-driven approach. Pearson. Jin, Y., Liu, B. F., Austin, L. L. (2014). Examining the role of social media in effective crisis management: The effects of crisis origin, information form, and source on publics crisis responses.Communication research,41(1), 74-94. Johnson, S. D. (2016). BMKT 240.01: Advertising. Kaplan, A. M., Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media.Business horizons,53(1), 59-68. Kohli, C., Suri, R., Kapoor, A. (2015). Will social media kill branding?.Business Horizons,58(1), 35-44. Leonardi, P. M. (2015). Ambient Awareness and Knowledge Acquisition: Using Social Media to Learn" Who Knows What" and" Who Knows Whom".Mis Quarterly,39(4), 747-762. Mangold, W. G., Faulds, D. J. (2009). Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix.Business horizons,52(4), 357-365. Mercadal, T. (2014). Social media marketing.Salem Press Encyclopedia, Paniagua, J., Sapena, J. (2014). Business performance and social media: Love or hate?.Business horizons,57(6), 719-728. Percy, L., Elliott, R. H., Rosenbaum-Elliott, R. (2016).Strategic advertising management. Oxford University Press. Schlinke, J., Crain, S. (2013). Social media from an integrated marketing and compliance perspective.Journal of Financial Service Professionals,67(2). Scott, D. M. (2015).The new rules of marketing and PR: How to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly. John Wiley Sons. Target. (2017). Target Corporation Social Media Analysis. Retrieved from https://sm572.wordpress.com/ Vernuccio, M. (2014). Communicating corporate brands through social media: An exploratory study.International Journal of Business Communication,51(3), 211-233. Zhu, Y. Q., Chen, H. G. (2015). Social media and human need satisfaction: Implications for social media marketing.Business horizons,58(3), 335-345

Friday, November 29, 2019

Books for Writers Six Books to Inspire and Inform

BOOKS FOR WRITERS: SIX BOOKS TO INSPIRE AND INFORM Need a creative boost? A good laugh? A few style pointers? Maybe you’re into science fiction or mysteries. Perhaps you prefer nonfiction or graphic novels or biographies. Or fantasy novels. But whatever you’re into, if you’re a writer, you probably love books about writing. This week, I thought I’d share a few of my recent favorites. I’ve put together a list of six books about writing, from grammar to writing prompts to random musings by successful writers. Enjoy! 1. Eats, Shoots Leaves by Lynne Truss. Chances are, you’ve read this (it was pretty popular when it was released a few years ago – surprising for a grammar book), but it’s always worth a second look. If you haven’t you’re missing out – it’s hilarious. Truss, a self-professed grammar stickler, turns a potentially dry subject into a fun and engaging read. 2. A Writer’s Book of Days by Judy Reeves. I’ll be honest. Sometimes, after a full day of writing stuff for other people, I’m tapped out, creativity-wise. This book features 365 days’ worth of writing prompts to help you overcome bouts of writer’s block. 3. On Writing, by Stephen King. The master of horror (and I’ll admit, one of my early favorites) writes an engaging book about his life as a writer. One of my favorite parts of this book: King walks you through a full edit of the short story â€Å"1408† and explains why he made certain changes or deletions – very, very cool. 4. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. Another book of great advice from one writer to another. I’d never read anything by Lamott before I read this, but I like her conversational, approachable style. 5. The Mother Tongue: English and How it Got That Way by Bill Bryson. A must for word nerds. Bryson explores the English language from its early development to modern slang. This book was so fun and interesting that I read it in one sitting. 6. How Not to Write a Novel by Howard Mittlemark and Sandra Newman. In this tongue-in-cheek guide, Mittlemark and Newman tackle some of the biggest novel writing errors (200 of them, to be exact), including the lack of a plot, too many (or too few) characters, choosing the right point of view, and more. The examples are hilarious; this book is worth a read even if you’re not planning to write a novel anytime soon. So, do you have any favorite books on writing? I’d love to add to my list.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Business, Society and Ethics; Coffee Growing and Fair Trade essay

buy custom Business, Society and Ethics; Coffee Growing and Fair Trade essay Coffee growing and drinking originated in Kaffa Ethiopia, and spread throughout the world. It is a widely grown cash crop especially in Africa and is responsible for a substantial percentage of most developing countries foreign incomes. However coffee growers continued to suffer losses in spite of coffees ready market and in an effort to change this situation, a couple of non governmental organizations have come up with the fair trade movement. Fair Trade Fair trade is a global movement aimed at alleviating poverty and empowering farmers through creating sustainable market opportunities for them in developing countries. For a long time now farmers have suffered from fluctuating low market prices in the agricultural market leading to fluctuating low incomes for producers. Fair trade aims at stabilizing agricultural products farm gate prices in order to stabilize farmers income and to protect them from unfair losses. Farm gate prizes are defined as the value of an agricultural product the first time it is introduced to the market. This global network of nongovernmental organizations seeks to certify and label products such as coffee, tea and chocolate in pursuit of their agenda. As a result of this movement the income of most coffee farmers has been stabilized. This is achieved through the fair trade minimum price which sort of acts as a floor price to protect farmers in times of downturns in the market. The fair-trade premium is an additional financial amount above the fair trade minimum that has enabled farmers to invest in modern agricultural technology and improve their living standards. Fair trade provides farmers with pre-financing to enable them get the product into the market and to cater for production costs. Fair trade movement has had a positive effect in that it has led to improved product quality, stable market prices and empowerment of farmers through education and training. The fair trade market model represents an organized and formal trade setting where the aim is to alleviate poverty and provide sustainability by offering fair conditions for trade to producers. The free trade market model however, does not involve government intervention and there is free flow of goods and services dependent on the market forces; demand and supply. It is characterized by high and fluctuating prices. I have used fair trade coffee before because it is a quality product availed at a fair price. I also realize local farmers benefit when their products are supported domestically. Fair trade coffee if not well embraced by consumers will force farmers to opt for cheaper production methods compromising on quality. Fair trade coffee is purchased directly from farmers at a higher price compared to standard coffee with the objective of providing economic incentive for farmers and improving their working conditions. Tackling Poverty through Trade Coffee growers are facing a major problem due to unstable market prices and unfair competition. They compromise on quality in order to take advantage of cheaper production methods. They lack enough finances to package their products and end up selling the coffee as a primary good for far much lower prices than it is really worth. The retailers make too much profit from the coffee they sell while the growers make little or no profit and in some cases losses. Fair trade movement aims at enabling farmers to package and certify their coffee in order to enable them present it as a finished product. This however can only work if this move is supported by local consumers. If they can find a ready local market it makes it easier to sell it to international markets. Long term contracts create a level of stability and reduce the uncertainty of suffering from fluctuating market prices. The fair trade network enables farmers to access export markets therefore improving their market conditions. This has enabled lots of coffee growers who had left the field during the international coffee crisis to reconsider growing coffee again for a living. Most people do not really think about the effort behind the manufacture of the coffee they drink. When they purchase coffee their decision on what coffee to purchase usually is based on the price, quality and taste of the consumer. They are almost ignorant of their effect on the well being of the coffee growers. Farming practices have improved, farmers have been empowered and become skilled and their incomes have generally increased improving their living standards all as a result of fair trade coffee. The reaction towards fair trade was different. However most of the population believes that it is a commendable move. The argument is we are the consumers and we have the potential of making this movement a success or a failure. Consumers who go after quality especially agreed that it was better to avail expensive quality coffee than cheap non quality coffee. They therefore support the movements principals of fair trade premium and the opportunity for pre financing. It ensures that enough finances are available to use modern production technology hence produce quality coffee. Most of the population supported the fair trade movements move to purchase directly from growers eliminating middlemen and hence saving the consumer from paying high prices to cover transaction costs. The consumer is therefore able to consume quality coffee at pocket friendly prices without really hurting the growers incomes. The middlemen however lose out in this arrangement because they are not needed to transact between producers and assemblers and consumers. Labeling the product helps the consumer realize the origin of the product as local and rids them of the mentality that local is not quality. Most off the individuals who had not tried free trade coffee had the misconception that locally produced products do not meet the right quality standards. In earlier times coffee was sold as a primary product then packaged by foreigners and there was the general misconception that the companies responsible for this packaging somehow improved the coffees quality. Local labeling changes this mindset and increases consumers confidence in locally produced goods. While most of the local population is open to the idea of supporting local production there is a percentage of them that are totally indifferent. This group does not make a deliberate move to choose locally produced products over imported products. Their argument is that the local producers have to up their game enough for their products to be quality as the international goods. They have nothing against the origin of the product but they will choose quality anytime regardless of whether or not these products are locally produced. Criticisms against the fair trade area have been brought up. Critics claim that this movement still benefits retailers more by offering them a higher markup while only providing farmers marginally higher prices. The movement also aims at cost reduction and profit attainment yet it is pretty obvious to consumers that corporations that make large profits by selling free trade products do not pay their workers as well as the profit margins would imply. It therefore may cause the misconception that this movement has been put in place to benefit the implementers rather than the farmers. Another criticism is that farmers mark up price is very low at moderately above the cost of production and hence coffee growers do not make as much profit as the final sellers. The general feeling is that fair trade movement has improved farmers welfare to an extent that is obviously better than before, but their condition can be made better. Fair trade encourages farmers to form cooperatives which some criticize as encouraging the very level of bureaucracy they try to eliminate through middlemen. Creating standards in these cooperatives has not been observed and this causes critics to question whether they are a good idea. Cooperatives can be just as corrupt as other organizations and there is no guarantee that they will refrain from corrupt and unethical practices. In conclusion the outcome of this movement will be profitable for farmers and hence for the economy as a whole. Continued locally produced quality products will not only increase the domestic market but the international market too. Fair trade also brings with it a level of security especially for farmers due to the level of organization unlike free trade which is characterized by constant price fluctuations and uncertainty. Buy custom Business, Society and Ethics; Coffee Growing and Fair Trade essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Corrections Management. Mermon Correctional Facility Research Paper

Corrections Management. Mermon Correctional Facility - Research Paper Example Personal reflections on the Agency and its Administration Generally, Mermon Correctional Facility is a relatively well managed institution. This is because an incident of a correctional officer getting killed has occurred only once since its establishment. This means that the institution has managed to secure its employees over a long period of time before the occurrence of the unfortunate incident in 2010. This is an eye opener for the management of the correctional facility because it points out that correctional officers are not completely secured. Mermon Correctional Facility also faces a number of challenges that relate to modern correctional facilities. However, it is the responsibility of the institution’s administration to ensure effective management by addressing those challenges using the best approaches. Problems and Issues Mermon Correctional Facility is faced with a number of inherent problems that affect its performance in a number of ways. One major effect of the inherent problems and issues is that the organization is unable to deliver its services in effectively hence falling short of one of its major organizational goals. A correctional facility has a major goal of ensuring that there is effective transformation of offenders from social evils into becoming better persons. Below is a discussion of some of the issues and problems related to Mermon Correctional Facility: 1. Budget concerns This is a serious issue facing the correctional facility because there were concerns from employees of the institution regarding budget reductions. Workers at the correctional facility cite budget reductions as the main cause of the murder incident. This is despite the fact the management of the correctional facility made a response to the claims that budget reductions had nothing to do with the incident. Accordi ng to Phillips and McConnell (2005), budget concerns are among the major component concerns of a changing environment in the management of correctional facilities. Government and private institutions have reduced their spending on correctional facilities in response to tighter economic conditions. The authors also note that correctional facilities are having difficulties hiring adequate staff to manage such facilities. Budget concern is also an issue because it is evident that there was only one member of staff when the murder incident occurred. Marsha Wills was alone at the chapel at the time of the murder incident. She was attacked after the church service and it is believed that the murderer was hiding in the chapel. Mermon Correctional Facility did not have adequate staff to escort convicts during the church session and one of the prisoners was able to hide and make an attack without the knowledge of other employees (Jones & James, 2005). Low staff levels put both the staff and other prisoners at risk. This is because it is very difficult to monitor prisoners as well as manage them in situations of emergency. The aftermath of the murder incident led to other members of staff raising concerns about the low levels of staff. Mermon Correctional Facility is among correctional institutions that are affected by budget cuts hence it is unable to hire adequate staff to manage its numerous tasks. It is for the same reason that the correctional

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kinship Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kinship Anthropology - Essay Example This paper shall seek to establish the similarities and differences in the characteristics of Achilles and Agamemnon, who were two great men that were skilled in the art of war and relate their characteristics to the roles they played in dictating the outcome of the Trojan War. It is the strong characteristics possessed by Achilles and Agamemnon that made the battle of Troy historic and legendary (Homer). Achilles and Agamemnon were two great Achaean fighters that had several weaknesses as warriors. Achilles and Agamemnon were known for their hot temper (Homer 414). Though one could argue that Achilles is more temperamental than Agamemnon, but the fact remains that these two men had elements of fury and wrath in them. It should be noted that Achilles’ show of anger resulted in his withdrawal from battle and this ultimately led to the overpowering of the Achaean forces by the Trojan forces (Homer 327). One of Achilles’ demonstrations of anger was when Agamemnon ordered h im to relinquish his war prize, Briseis; and as a result he forcefully withdrew from the war and this gave the Trojans the boldness to attack the Greek army (Homer 437-438). Thus, Achilles’ anger also played a part in the Trojan War. Another similarity that exists between Achilles and Agamemnon is in their pride and arrogance. ... Agamemnon’s arrogance is seen when he expects to get the highest share of the spoils of war, even in situations that he did not take active part in the battle. Being the king, Agamemnon always wanted to take up the leadership role and this was the reason that he wanted to be at the forefront when it was time to make decisions on the Trojan War, when it was actually Menelaus that was affected by the snatching of his wife, Helen by Prince Paris of Troy (Homer 78). Agamemnon took delight in reminding the Achaeans of his kingly status. In terms of strength, Achilles was stronger than Agamemnon in all ramifications. Achilles was the greatest warrior of Greek army during the battle of Troy, while Agamemnon was the King of Mycenae and the commander of the Greek forces during the battle of Troy. While Achilles had a close relationship with the gods as the gods loved him for his strength and bravery in battle, Agamemnon did not really have any significant relationship with the gods. Wh ile Achilles could not control his anger and fury, Agamemnon intentionally made people to feel the effect of his wrath. While Achilles did not take the Trojan War too serious, Agamemnon was too serious about the war as he did everything possible to ensure the victory of the Achaean army. There was even a time that Achilles abandoned his fellow Greek warriors and even prayed that the Trojan forces should overrun them. Agamemnon is also different from Achilles in his ability to make intelligent and refined judgments about a situation. Agamemnon is not usually too quick to act, but takes his time before embarking on an action; while Achilles lets his own anger and fury to determine his actions. Achilles usually

Monday, November 18, 2019

Career in retail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Career in retail - Essay Example 3. This position matches with the necessary skills that I have learnt as part of my education and would provide me with an ideal opportunity to put the skills to good use. Further, the job would be a good fit for me given my personality traits and other characteristics that would match the skill set requirements of the job. All in all, the job would be an ideal starting point for me and for my career into the Canadian retail industry. 4. The pros of the job are that I would be utilizing my educational background and put to use the skills that I have learnt. The job would entail training in the areas of business and management along with finance and contracting. This would enable me to pursue the related skill sets and gain valuable insights into these fields. The biggest advantage of this job is that I would be given responsibility over an entire Franchise and hence this would be an ideal start to my career in the Canadian Retail industry. 5. The cons of the job are that since the position entails responsibilities beyond the normal ones that are part of a job in the retail industry, I would have to ensure that I scale up my performance level and work longer and harder. Though I would not necessarily see this as a negative, the fact remains that this would certainly add to the burden and I have to put in that much more work to measure up to the specifications. 6. I believe that the salary being offered is reasonable considering my qualifications and the demands of the job. There is nothing in the compensation package to suggest that the salary being offered is below my expectations or is somehow not consistent with the job description. Further, I am enthused by the fact that the package involves perquisites that make up for any deficiencies in the monetary compensation. 7. http://www.olx.ca/retail-jobs-cat-386 This job posting is

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Deforestation The Causes Effects And Controlling Techniques Environmental Sciences Essay

Deforestation The Causes Effects And Controlling Techniques Environmental Sciences Essay As we all know that fires, urbanization, and other infrastructures from the main causes of deforestation. Also we All know that living organism in this ecosystem was facing or will suffering from deforestation impact directly or indirectly through other environmental issues that happen because of deforestation. Therefore , in the next few papers we will illustrate to the seriousness and the importance of this problem depending on statistics ,pictures, studies and articles that published on books and internet websites. Introduction Is it right that our planet is under threat of climate changing? It is true that it is related to deforestation? What will happen if we didnt solve this problem? All of these question will be answered in this research. which will give you more information about deforestation, its causes, impacts, some statistics and how we could take people attention to the climatic change and prevent their actions on deforestation to save our planet. The cutting of forests or the destruction of the forests is called deforestation. deforestation term is called in cases that human-induced it or due to the forces of nature as well, so Human are mainly responsible for the destruction. Deforestation for need humans has cut down trees since they first appeared. In modern times the human needs was not limited on food , and shelter, but it surpassed it into weapons ,paper, furniture, paved roads, entertainment places and housing. So, Thousands upon thousands of acres of forest have disappeared worldwide to fill our appetite for wood and land. Deforestation for Profit The governments are often poor and the land is more valuable to large corporations than used for conservation and tourism. for this reason ,in poor countries Governments gives permits and licenses to those who have the money to buy the land and make their money. The activity of Deforestation is a way of making a living, through selling timber , and using the land for growing crops or grazing herds or to provide land for homes and businesses. As you can see in (Figure 1) that companies ,attract and involve the native people who are exist in the forest when they conduct this business. figure : Book: William P. Cunningham, 1990: Environmental Science A GLOBAL CONCERN. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, USA. Raising Consciousness Undoubtedly the reason that makes people more aware than ever of the effects of deforestation as more and more people become affected by climate change and extreme weather events which is the most important consequences resulting from deforestation. All of that would make human think of stopping or reduce deforestation activities for maintaining our atmosphere, slowing global warming , protecting us from floods, and ensuring a reliable and sustainable suppliers of natural resources . Body What is Deforestation? Deforestation is the clearing or removal of trees from an area of woodland or forest for many differing reason usually commercial  [1]  . And it also defined as the destruction of a forest and changing the use of the land  [2]  . Causes of Deforestation There are many different causes for deforestation and they vary widely from location to location. As it is known most of deforestation cases happen by human practices. And this idea is true , but also there are some natural causes leads to deforestation such as : firs, natural disasters(floods). Agriculture and Cattle-Raising The expansion of cattle-raising has also been promoted by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as through tax incentives and has been closely linked to land concentration  [3]  . Cattle expansion in the Amazon in the last twelve years has been phenomenal. During this period, the number of cattle more than doubled, from 26million in 1990 to 57 million in 2002. In the process it has gone from representing 17.8% of Brazils total cattle herd to almost one third (see table 1). Table 1:INTERNET: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) www.ibge.gove.be The phrase described how the rapid growth of beef exports from Central America to fast food chains in the United States was driving deforestation.  [4]   Dams and Megaprojects Usually the rivers that extend to thousand hectares or more in the forest have the greatest chance to implement of major infrastructure works , such as building dams for obtaining hydroelectric energy like what happen in Xingu river. It is estimated that nearly all the Amazon forest will be destroyed during the first half of this century if the present trends are increased with the implementation of major infrastructure works in the region.  [5]   Mining In many tropical areas mining is a major cause of deforestation and forest degradation, generating a large number of social and environmental impacts. A recent study published by Third World Network-Africa provides a detailed picture of those minerals in the Wassa West District of Ghana. The main minerals being mined in Ghana are gold, diamonds, bauxite and manganese, but the most dominant mineral commodity is gold.  [6]   Effects of Deforestation Deforestation is a problem with unlimited effects. Environmental problems: Hydrological Studies show that 99% of the water absorbed by the roots moves up to the leaves and evaporates to keep the weather nice and moisture, therefore if trees are cut down it will cause into drier climate. Another important hydrological impact of deforestation is that the soil capacity to store water is affected negatively because after deforestation , litter and other organic residue of plants change soil properties to make it good stores of water. But that water will not stay for long time because it will affected by sun rays which will evaporate most of groundwater. Atmospheric Trees represent a thick cover that prevent the damaging sun rays. And because of deforestation ,the sun rays can deeply penetrate into the forest than before, if that happen trees will wilts and dies . Green house effect: If forest is cut down forest and replaced by vegetation with a smaller biomass per hectare, there is a release of CO2 by burning or decomposition of forest plant  [7]  .Tropical deforestation is a substantial contributor to total CO2 production by human activity ( see table 2.4). TABLE 2 :Edward I. Newman, 2000: Applied Ecology Environmental Management. global climate change: green house gases ,forest fires, and the Pollution that rapidly growing along with population . Soil Drought: Trees absorb water through their roots and release it into the atmosphere. In the Amazon, half of the water is returned in the trees. If the trees are removed, the region becomes drier because it cannot hold as much water. Mudslides and erosions: Roots are existing to prove the soil ,and by deforestation The land becomes unstable because their are no trees. therefore it causes erosion. Economical impacts: In economic terms, forests does not only provide fuel and wood for industry, but they also provide the medicinal plants , fruit trees and nuts, which is the main source of food for forest dwellers. Also The forest have a large economic and environmental benefits , it is a haven for everyone, as they provide them with a feeling of comfort and peace of mind, and give them the fresh air and gains entertainment that any industrial facilities can not provide them , and beautifully landscaped. Therefore, it provides significant economic value through tourism activity. And when governments encourage individuals to cut trees timber and exercising a certain economic activities detrimental to the environment such as set on fire which leads to over-exploitation of forest wealth and the deterioration of its condition. The consequences of these behaviors are: population migration from these areas and the emergence of the problems such as: poverty, diseases, conflict on food, unemployment. Deforestation and biodiversity: Plants diversity No one can deny that we still rely on plants or herbs in the treatment of some diseases, such as cough, constipation and some skin diseases. we will proof this by these two facts about rainforest plants : Rainforests currently provide sources for one-fourth of todays medicines, and 70 percent of the plants found to have anticancer properties are found only in the rainforest.  [8]   Two drugs obtained from a rainforest plant known as the Madagascar periwinkle, now extinct in the wild due to deforestation of the Madagascar rainforest, have increased the chances of survival for children with leukemia from 20 percent to 80 percent.  [9]  (See figure 2)which is Madagascar periwinkle plant. Figure2: Book: William P. Cunningham, 1990: Environmental Science A GLOBAL CONCERN. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, USA. Animal diversity The human species has been the direct or indirect causes of most of the extinctions, especially through habitat destruction. When Europeans first arrived in the Hawaiian islands , there were sixty-eight unique bird species. of these, forty one now are extinct, mainly because of deforestation to create pineapple and sugarcane plantations, resorts, and cities  [10]  . Fish diversity In this aspect we illustrate that removing forest to build government projects, such as roads and dams, could protect threatened habitat. In the 1960s the Tennessee valley authority (TVA) announced intentions to dam the little Tennessee river for power , flood control, and recreation. opponent fought against this project for years, arguing that the dam was not needed , the cost was too high, the payback was too low, and it destroyed valuable forest , wildlife habitat, native American archeological sites, and recreational, historic, and scenic values. It was revealed that the only known habitat of small paperclip-size fish called the snail darter (percina tanasi) (figure 3) would be destroyed if the river valley was flooded  [11]  . D:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsMy PicturesSample Picturessnail.jpg Figure 3: Book: William P. Cunningham, 1990: Environmental Science A GLOBAL CONCERN. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, USA. How to Stop Deforestation We know that , stopping deforestation activity definitely not an easy task, but to reduce the impact of rapid spread of deforestation in previous years and to increase consciousness rate we suggest people to : * Try to use the paper more than once. For example, use both sides of paper. * put the paper in recycling paper box. *Use e-mails to aware your friends about impact of deforestation. *Aware about type of wood and avoid the tropical hardwood, such as ebony and rosewood. And make sure the manufacturer can guarantee that the hardwoods were harvested from agro forestry plantations. Also we Suggest government to: *Create law to deforestation: by making law that cutting trees from forests become a crime punishable by law. *Encouraging companies: that working in reforestation by decrease taxes for them and try to give them all help to increase number of those companies. * using selective timber -cutting instead of clear- cutting: because in selective cutting, foresters remove desirable tree species ,like deformed trees to get rid of them. * posting fire danger warnings and sponsoring television and radio announcements  [12]  . *reducing demand on wood by: using thinner saw blades in saw mills, which reduce the kerf ,and improved machines that do a better job of processing logos for plywood along with a host of other technologies. special training for workers could also help reduce wood waste  [13]  . *Farming: is a New methods are being developed to farm more intensively, such as high-yield hybrid crops, greenhouse, autonomous building gardens, and hydroponics. to keep balance between rates of farming and deforestation  [14]  . Conclusion Forests are a source of beauty, food, medicines, also its highly responsible in keeping and sustaining global ecosystems. It is also the home of more than half of all creatures and organisms in this planet. On the other hand we also gain other benefits by deforestation . For example: building the communities, residential houses, factories, and roads ; to be more suitable for the growing numbers of population. By Deforestation we can also convert the forest land to productive land for agricultural uses. As a result, we and all the other creatures on this planet suffer greatly from the consequences of deforestation. So deforestation should be stopped at any cost, especially the illegal cutting of trees. By increasing the government laws and punishment ,and increasing Perception and awareness among people which may leads us to gradual disposal of deforestation. References Books: Edward I. Newman, 2000: Applied Ecology Environmental Management, Second Edition. Blackwell Science Ltd, England. William P. Cunningham, 1990: Environmental Science A GLOBAL CONCERN. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, USA. William Mary Ann,2009, Principles of Environmental Science(Inquiry Application), Fifth Edition, Mc Graw Hill, New York. Internet: Effect of deforestation, ENTERNET: GREEN LIVING,. Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) www.ibge.gove.be Issue Number 85 August 2004:World Rainforest Movement, . Center for International Forestry Research, http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/publications/pdf_files/media/Amazon.pdf>. WRMs bulletin N ° 67, February 2003, World Rainforest Movement, . INTERNET: WRMs bulletin N ° 41, December 2000, World Rainforest Movement, . Rain Tree, . Ask, . Index Content Page Abstract 2 Introduction 2-3 Body What is Deforestation? 3 Causes of Deforestation Agriculture and Cattle-Raising 4 Dams and Megaprojects 5 Mining 5 Effects of Deforestation Environmental problems: 5-6 Economical impacts: 7 Deforestation and biodiversity: 7-8 How to Stop Deforestation 9 Conclusion 10

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ted Hughes The Jaguar Essay -- English Literature Essays

Ted Hughes' 'The Jaguar' How effectively does Hughes convey the power of the jaguar? Ted Hughes’ poem ‘The Jaguar’ describes the animals in a zoo and their lifestyles. It also compares them to the jaguar, which is an animal that lives differently to the others in the way that it views its life. The poem depicts the jaguar as powerful, but in what way? The first line of Ted Hughes’ poem the jaguar is: â€Å"The apes yawn and adore their fleas in the sun.† From the very first three words it is clear that the apes are tired, and the fact that they are in the sun adds to the sleepy air. I think this line was deliberately chosen to begin to convey the monotonous lull of everyday life in the zoo and set a drowsy mood. They are â€Å"adoring† their fleas, which is not a word commonly used in these circumstances. Playing with fleas is normal behaviour for apes, but the use of the word adoring suggests that they are glad of the distraction in their lethargic state. From this line, the apes do not sound threatening, more bored. The second line has a rather different tone; it tells of the parrots that screech as if on fire. Parrots do indeed screech, so this is literal, but it has connotations of pain or perhaps boredom. Obviously they are not literally on fire, so these words could have been chosen to help exhibit their brightly coloured plumage or to remain with the painful image and to display their banshee-like screaming. The end of the line includes enjambment and expresses how the parrots strut like â€Å"cheap tarts to attract the stroller with the nut.† â€Å"Cheap tarts† may also have connotations of the bright, tacky colours of parrots’ feathers, but the parrots also mean to attract attention with their screeches and strutting. Line three goes on to speak of the tiger and lion, who are apparently â€Å"fatigued with indolence†. Again the tone is of sleepiness and possibly boredom, and the idleness of the animals in question. The animals are tired, and in the wild they would probably be more likely to be hunting rather than lazing about in the middle of the day. This particular line is also an example of enjambment, as it runs into the next verse. The last words of the first stanza are: â€Å"tiger and lion† and the first words of the second are: â€Å"lie still as the sun.† The end of the first stanza is therefore going on to a different subject, which intrigues th... ...fe very differently because of the way he beholds it. The crowd at the zoo is not very interested in the zoo creatures until they encounter the jaguar, and is so stunned to see an animal living as it would in its natural habitat that they are enthralled by it. The jaguar is depicted as powerful in that the crowd is in awe of it, and this is very different to how they see the other animals because he acts as he would in his natural home. Therefore the jaguar has power over the watching people because he is grabbing their attention and in effect controlling them. The jaguar has also been depicted as powerful in comparison to the other animals, who have let the cage become their way of living. The jaguar instead is totally ignorant of the cage and instead still believes himself to be in his old environment, and since he is by himself he is automatically the ruler of his environment. He is powerful in the way he moves, which is with refinement and at some points rage, because he move s in a way that illustrates power. He believes himself to be powerful and therefore he is. Overall, the poem successfully describes the jaguar as a powerful being in every respect addressed in the poem. Ted Hughes' 'The Jaguar' Essay -- English Literature Essays Ted Hughes' 'The Jaguar' How effectively does Hughes convey the power of the jaguar? Ted Hughes’ poem ‘The Jaguar’ describes the animals in a zoo and their lifestyles. It also compares them to the jaguar, which is an animal that lives differently to the others in the way that it views its life. The poem depicts the jaguar as powerful, but in what way? The first line of Ted Hughes’ poem the jaguar is: â€Å"The apes yawn and adore their fleas in the sun.† From the very first three words it is clear that the apes are tired, and the fact that they are in the sun adds to the sleepy air. I think this line was deliberately chosen to begin to convey the monotonous lull of everyday life in the zoo and set a drowsy mood. They are â€Å"adoring† their fleas, which is not a word commonly used in these circumstances. Playing with fleas is normal behaviour for apes, but the use of the word adoring suggests that they are glad of the distraction in their lethargic state. From this line, the apes do not sound threatening, more bored. The second line has a rather different tone; it tells of the parrots that screech as if on fire. Parrots do indeed screech, so this is literal, but it has connotations of pain or perhaps boredom. Obviously they are not literally on fire, so these words could have been chosen to help exhibit their brightly coloured plumage or to remain with the painful image and to display their banshee-like screaming. The end of the line includes enjambment and expresses how the parrots strut like â€Å"cheap tarts to attract the stroller with the nut.† â€Å"Cheap tarts† may also have connotations of the bright, tacky colours of parrots’ feathers, but the parrots also mean to attract attention with their screeches and strutting. Line three goes on to speak of the tiger and lion, who are apparently â€Å"fatigued with indolence†. Again the tone is of sleepiness and possibly boredom, and the idleness of the animals in question. The animals are tired, and in the wild they would probably be more likely to be hunting rather than lazing about in the middle of the day. This particular line is also an example of enjambment, as it runs into the next verse. The last words of the first stanza are: â€Å"tiger and lion† and the first words of the second are: â€Å"lie still as the sun.† The end of the first stanza is therefore going on to a different subject, which intrigues th... ...fe very differently because of the way he beholds it. The crowd at the zoo is not very interested in the zoo creatures until they encounter the jaguar, and is so stunned to see an animal living as it would in its natural habitat that they are enthralled by it. The jaguar is depicted as powerful in that the crowd is in awe of it, and this is very different to how they see the other animals because he acts as he would in his natural home. Therefore the jaguar has power over the watching people because he is grabbing their attention and in effect controlling them. The jaguar has also been depicted as powerful in comparison to the other animals, who have let the cage become their way of living. The jaguar instead is totally ignorant of the cage and instead still believes himself to be in his old environment, and since he is by himself he is automatically the ruler of his environment. He is powerful in the way he moves, which is with refinement and at some points rage, because he move s in a way that illustrates power. He believes himself to be powerful and therefore he is. Overall, the poem successfully describes the jaguar as a powerful being in every respect addressed in the poem.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Poor decision making Essay

Poor decision making problem is not confined at the individual level alone but is manifesting itself more and more in organizations. Employees have become more vociferous in their demands for a better deal. Various departments in an organization face a situation full of problems due to a number of reasons like goal diversity, scarcity of resources or task interdependence etc. Management today is faced with the awesome responsibility of ensuring optimum levels of growth and productivity in an environment that is full of conflicting situations. Modern manager spends over 20% of his time handling one form of problem or the other. DIFFERENT FACTORS It is not at all good to have any conflict and the role of a manager starts once it arises. These are very important points which one tend to answer in one way or the other depending upon the views he  Ã‚   hold about   problems. Environment Factor The behaviouralists maintained that since an organization was composed of individual- and they had different perceptions of goals and differing values, problem was bound to arise in the organization. Managers of various departments had separate priorities and conflicting ideas about resource allocation. Hence conflict was the unavoidable outcome. Subordinates may clash with the manager over whether the work can be accomplished in the given period of time or not. Social Factor The thinking currently prevalent about conflict has been labelled as the interactionist view. In contrast to the behaviouralist view which merely accepts conflict as inevitable, the integrationists not only accept conflict but also encourage it. However, they maintain that conflict must he regulated so that it does not get out of control producing dysfunctional consequences. ECONOMIC FACTOR   A large number of potential sources of conflict exist in organizational life as antecedent conditions and realistic basis for some conflicts. Any group exists for the purpose of attaining some goals with the help of available resources. These resources may be tangible like men, materials, and money or intangible like power, status or the manager’s time. No organization is capable of providing all the resources demanded by various units. Resources are limited and different groups have to compete for these scarce resources and many conflicts arise from this source. TECHNICAL FACTOR Groups in organization have different functions to perform and as such they develop their own norms and goals. Theoretically the achievement of these goals should achieve overall organizational goals but, often, in real life the reverse is true. Goals of one group are incompatible to the goals of another group. For example, a company which manufactures electric fans has a seasonal demand. Three departments marketing, production and finance—are involved. Since the demand for the product is seasonal, the marketing manager would like to have sufficient stock during the season. References Beaumont,P.B., Applied Microeconomics for Decision Making, Sage Publications, London,1993 Kaplan , P.L., Human Resources and Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill, New York,1997 Feldman, D.C., 1985 A taxonomy of intergroup conflict-resolution strategies University Associates:San Diego Taylor Sims, J. Robert Foster, ArchG. Woodside,(1997) Marketing Channels: Systems and Strategies Harper and Row: New York.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Essay about History Notes for EXAM 1

Essay about History Notes for EXAM 1 Essay about History Notes for EXAM 1 Tuesday 2/9 1865-1877 What is it to be the legal, constitutional and political position of an ex-slave? SOCIAL -property -labor (replaced with Jim Crow) -race relations 3 amendments: Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth- vote w/o agitating for it for a long time Woman (1848- 1919) agitated for the right to vote. Group: Irish Blacks WASP- white Angelo saxton protestant (if you’re not all of them, you’re not white) Fear of the â€Å"battle of the cradle† – fear in rise of the population of blacks There was a promise of equality; without the reality Equality of races dates back to the mid-20th century. Up until then, people ranked races. 1. Equality before opportunity 2. Equality before law 3. Equality before God Thursday 2/12 Blacks in the late 19th century During the time of reconstruction, four civil rights acts were passed The last union was withdrawn from the south after 1877 (this was the end of the reconstruction era) Slaves fled their plantations throughout the south; this was called self-separation Blacks voted (republic) – in congress until 1901 Whited voted democratic Sandwiching- outvoted minority; pre-ordaining what the vote will be Paternalism: the idea that ex-slaves were to be taken care of and controlled by upper class whites; class is the most important factor They were surprised by the smoothness between relations of black and whites (whites being northerners) 1890’s- things fall apart (blacks in the south) Upper class of whites lost political power Rise of the lower class whites: late 19th century. They got tired of being in the position they were in Originally whites and blacks union Upper class used scare tactics to separate the poor whites and blacks by using racism. Segregation laws started to be made after the 1890’s Northern whites were no longer interesting 1895- more white people in the south were being lynched than blacks in the south (shortly that changed as a form of social control) 1893- bad depression from unemployment rates took place in south, which, in turn, created

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Thomas J essays

Thomas J essays The most influential person in American history would be Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, became the first republican president, and began the self improvement thought process by learning through going to school. Jefferson told people that knowledge was the way to becoming a better person, and that all Americans need to improve on what they think, not by changing day by day themselves, but overall becoming a better person through their thoughts. He believed that if a person thought on his own, and learned that they would become an improved person and be more happy overall, weather at home or at work. Jefferson was big on reform and that was the biggest change in his presidency over Washingtons. Washington set rules and regulations, Jefferson improved on them and made everything Jefferson was a very important person in U.S. history. His first major contribution to our creation was that he developed and wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was very smart and creative, he said when he wrote the declaration I turned neither book nor pamphlet preparing the paper ( Morris 102 ). That shows how creative he was by drawing up such a magnificent piece of writing under difficult circumstances, after all he was writing a complete divorce paper from Britain to create a new nation all on his own, with just John Adams revising it. Twenty five years after writing the Declaration of Independence to create the U.S., Jefferson lead that nation as its president. He was the first republican president that was going to change the nation radically. He set out to make improvements on individuals by teaching them how to make themselves better. His motives were to self improve all Americans so they could feel better about who they were. He was well liked and re-elected in 1804 for a second ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Healthcare Reforms In Hawaii And Massachusetts Essay

Healthcare Reforms In Hawaii And Massachusetts - Essay Example Hawaii was the first state to pass legislation, Hawaii’s Prepaid Health Care Act 1974, which requires employers to provide employees with health insurance. The state has remained consistently pro-health reforms and this is evident in the legislation that was passed in 2009 that created the Hawaii Health Authority. This authority has been mandated to plan for healthcare needs of the state and to determine future capacity needs for the state’s health providers, support services, equipment, and facilities. Hawaii’s support for health reforms is also seen in Hawaii Health Authority’s task of determining, implementing and maintaining the waivers that are available to the state’s residents under federal law. Similarly, Massachusetts has demonstrated its support for health reforms by adopting health care reform laws like the one it adopted in 2006. This law required residents to have insurance coverage, employers to provide employees with health insurance cover and pledged that the state would provide residents earning below 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) with free health care insurance. The state amended this law in 2008 and 2010 in order to realign its health reform goals to those of the Federal Affordable Care Act. The Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority is Massachusetts’ equivalence of Hawaii Health Authority (Bauer & Hollier, 2012). Despite their support for health reforms, there exist disparities in how these reforms play out in the two states.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Psychology- oral presentation-change in family structure Essay - 1

Psychology- oral presentation-change in family structure - Essay Example Sociologists believe that the neutral family developed with the growth of industrialization. A smaller family unit was more practical in urban areas that flourished during the industrialization era. The extended family is a type of family structure that is believed to have been prevalent among agricultural societies. There are two main reasons why this is a characteristic of rural societies. Firstly, in an agricultural society wealth is measured by the amount of land. This kind of wealth may have been in the possession of successive generations so one finds that parents, grandparents, in-laws usually live or stay close to the source of the wealth. Secondly, the labor force needed for the land came mainly from the family members so it was necessary to be in close proximity to the farm. These families are usually self-sufficient. One would find that this is also a patriarchal type of family as the oldest male member is usually the figure of authority. In industrialized societies, in some instances, the extended family may exist to facilitate maintaining cultural traditions as well as being financially viable. A good example is the number of Mexican Americans as well as Asian Amer icans who live as together and share living quarters. Other types of family structures include single-parent, reconstituted or step-family, communal families, and foster families. There have been political as well as socio-cultural changes in the world over the last century and a half that have led to the creation of these family structures. One of the greatest agents of change was the legal reforms in the 1960s that transformed divorces and marriages. Prior to these reforms, the granting of divorce was based on fault where either partner had to blame the other or prove the fault of the other in court. The first state in the United States of America to change this law was California through the enactment

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evaluation Design of grant application assignment

Evaluation Design of grant application - Assignment Example It will be crucial for this evaluation to capture the resources available at the time of commencement. The evaluation will seek to capture the number of people who will have received the content of the awareness campaign and the media through which they received the information. It shall assess how much crime will have been prevented thus far compared with the rate of crime in Philadelphia before the implementation of the project (Bestsinger et. al., 2004). Additionally, the evaluation will measure the number of partnerships that the implementation will have garnered thus far. In regards to the performance objectives, the evaluation will seek to determine the number of Philadelphia community members who will be attending training. The number of training sessions and their frequency will be documented. The evaluation shall seek to document how the activities of the project are filed. Philadelphia community members shall be assessed for how much they will have learnt on the use and maintenance of surveillance cameras. Crime reports will be scrutinized in order to capture how much will have originated from the general population and not from investigations initiated by the Philadelphia Police Department (Bestsinger et. al., 2004). In terms of impact, data will be collected on both the unintended and intended outcomes of the Residential Surveillance Cameras Installation Project. The short-term, mid-term and long-term outcomes will be captured during evaluation. Specifically, Philadelphia residential premise owners will be assessed for change in attitudes and beliefs about crime and crime prevention (Bestsinger et. al., 2004). There will be an evaluation team that will be charged with the collection of crime facts and figures. The team will be composed of five members who will have thorough knowledge of the technical aspects of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Innovations In English Language Teaching Essay Example for Free

Innovations In English Language Teaching Essay Within the inter-related fields of linguistics, psychology and specifically language learning it has been recognized that language acquisition depends on several cognitive and environmental aspects. When giving instruction in a foreign language, it is also necessary to consider the language of origin already mastered by the learner, as well as the peculiarities of culture that may interfere with or otherwise have an impact on the manner in which a given language is learned (Collier, 1995). In Singapore, innovations in language learning based on these criteria have already been made, but implementation has posed a challenge (Tucker Corson, 1997). The true language expert has a deep understanding these barriers and must be prepared to come up with ideas that facilitate the change that drives the actual implementation of these innovative processes (Reza-Hernandez Clifford, 2003; Garcia, 1994). In Singapore, English has been acknowledged as the language of business and commerce, and therefore it has become crucial for greater strides to be made in passing on its knowledge to the citizens (Tucker Corson, 1997). Singapore’s national university has instituted such innovations as the creation of computerized databases that hold â€Å"profiles of Singapore-based English† as a method improving the research and development in the area of English language teaching in the country (1997, p. 227). This type of research appears to enable language instructors to understand the general areas of English that need more or better instruction. Other innovations directly affecting Singapore include the new dictionary of Southeast Asian English as well as numerous conferences that promote the improvement of the language. This research hopes to add further innovations, including in the area of technology, that would build on the projects already begun and further enhance the learning of the language in the country (Chapelle, 2003; Parker, 2007; Reza-Hernandez Clifford, 2003; Klein et al. 2006). Research Objectives The aim of this research is to find new approaches to teaching English that can be easily implemented in the Singaporean context. These will include new instructional methods, teaching aids, and the use of technologies as an integral aspect of imparting the language experience to those who learn. Research Question: How does collaborative learning, using the primary learners as mediators of the language, affect English language instruction in Singapore? Methods The major theme of the implementation strategies will be the establishment of a community of English language learners using a core group of English language institute students as mediators of the language. The use of technology will enhance the project but not be the main focus. In community building, emphasis will be placed on building bridges between and among students of language-learning institution and other schools or groups within the community (Hones, 2000; Parker, 2007; Klein, et al. , 2006). Technology will come into play as computers and the internet will provide the means of uniting persons separated by distance. It will also be used to engage the participation of native speakers of English from the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, and other English speaking countries of the world. Technology will also be used as a supplement to the activities performed in the language-learning setting (Kamhi-Stein, 2000). The study will therefore take the form of an action research in which the use of existing educational software, games, and activities in English are used within an integrative context. This integrative context will involve the exposure of the language-learning institute students to activities with native speakers, which they will in turn pass on to a group of Singaporeans within a given community—perhaps children or youth group. The types of activities used will include the following †¢ internet word-searches and studies †¢ webquests (Teclahaimanot Lamb, 2004) †¢ on- and offline word-game applications such as Scrabble †¢ watching and discussing movies in English †¢ reading and discussing books in English These will be done together with volunteers from English speaking countries who will be instructed to maintain constant dialogue with the institute student about the activities for the duration of the session. Group chats as well as one-on-one conversations will be used. Later the student will be expected to impart the knowledge gained from the session to members of the community. Activities will be monitored via reports and observation in order to provide the data for the research.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nano-diamond Powder Layer Effect on Fast Neutrons Reflection

Nano-diamond Powder Layer Effect on Fast Neutrons Reflection A. Taghian, D. Rahi, H. Sadeghi Abstract: This paper has investigated the effect of nano-diamond powder on reflection of fast neutrons. It compares the effect of graphite and nano-dimond layers on reflection of fast neutrons. Nano-diamond as a new article that theres carbon in families of many of the behaviors and properties of carbon and other members of the family, the impact of the application of this article accepts it without knowing so, and understand it without understanding the carbon carbon and other members of the family is not possible. Nano-diamond in addition to diamonds, diamond properties such as hardness, resistance to different environments and The small size and a shell with active groups that it has different properties to conventional diamonds. On the one hand the diverse applications of properties and provide new and on the other hand, production and working with this article difficult. Of course, the proper use of diamond in different applications when possible, which is a non-diamond carbon and other impurities as possible are separated from it in addition any application requires special surface properties as well. The amount of impurities in synthetic diamond production depends on the extreme ways. We used 241Am-Be 100  µCi, BF3 and LiI detector in the present study. Two materials have been coated. The experimental and simulated results have good agreement with consideration of errors. The results show that fast neutrons reflection could be carried out by nano-diamond powder better than graphite. Keyword: 1-Nano-diamond powder 2-Graphite 3-Neutron 4-Neutron reflection 5- BF3 detector 6-LiI detector 1-Introduction Neutrons shielding is based on the fast neutrons reflection as prompt and delay gamma are produced by neutron capture [1]. The scattering cross section of hydrogen is high for neutrons. So, hydrogen containing material such as polyethylene and hydrocarbon are used for neutron shielding [1]. Diamond has cubic lattice structure [2]. In this structure, one carbon atom is surrounded by four atom of carbon with covalent bonds. Very strong covalent bond of a carbon adjacent atom is caused by increasing of elastic modulus and ultra-high temperature stability [2]. Therefore, they make the strongest natural material. The structure of bulk material is 3D. But, the structure of nanomaterial is 2D (thin film), 1D (nanorod and nanotube) and zero dimensions (nanoparticle and nanocrystal). In addition to change properties of material, this technology increases the surface to volume ratio. Therefore, the ratio of surface reaction increases on the material. By development of nuclear technology over the past 40 years, rules and standards of the IAEA have become more difficult and smaller for absorbed dose of personalities and environments in different conditions. There have been many limitations for neutron shield construction such as mass and volume of the shield [3]. 2-Investigatin of neutron reflector Reflectors are used in reactors to prevent neutrons escaping. The best reflector has small absorption cross section and large scattering cross section. Graphite and beryllium (according to solid phase) are usually used for reflection of neutrons. Actually, the size of structural units (a) must be comparable to the wavelength of neutrons (ÃŽ »). Coherent and efficient scattering of neutrons is proportional to the ratio of ÃŽ »/a. A neutron can be described by wavelength, ÃŽ » and wave vector . The neutron energy is equal to , and are mass, energy and Plank constant respectively [2]. The neutron beam intensity is decreased by transmission across material. The neutron beam intensity reduction is equal to , , and are thickness of material, number of atoms in unit volume and total cross section respectively [1,4]. 3-Experimental setup 3-1-BF3 detector BF3 detector is used for detection of thermal neutron. It works on proportional region. The isotope of 10B is used in the BF3 gas detector. The absorption cross section of 10B is large for absorbing of thermal neutrons. The BF3 counter detects the alpha and the lithium particles produced by the reaction [4,6,5]: The efficiency of BF3 detector is proportional to absorption cross section of 10B and it changes for neutrons with different energies. 3-2- LiI detector In addition of BF3 detector, LiI detector has been used for detection of neutron. 6LiI is an inorganic scintillator. Neutron detection by 6Li is based on the reaction The cross section for this reaction is of the l/v type up to 10 keV, with a value of 937 b at 0.025 eV [3, 6]. 3-3- The used material The neutron source was 241Am-Be 100  µCi. The BF3 and LiI detectors were used with 2 cm diameter and 20 and 14 cm height respectively. The BF3 and LiI detectors were located on polyethylene base. 3-3-1- The origin and fabrication method of the nano-diamond powders Diamond powder production properties depend on the method. Desired characteristics are obtained by purification and properties are determined. A manufacturing process for milling the nano-diamond to the appropriate size is explosive method. Diamond powder production common methods are carried out in dry (environmental gas synthesis) and wet (water base) mediums. The Nano-diamond powder production was carried out by blasting method which could lead to the Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, nitrogen monoxide and etc. creation. The tiny particles of diamond are formed along with some solid impurities mixed with gases in the blast chamber. Table 1 shows the chemical analysis of ash samples. The results recorded in the table indicate the chemical analysis of ash residue from the combustion of the samples by wet chemical methods which are XRD, ICP. Table 1: The chemical analysis of ash samples are presented In the nano-diamond powder manufacturing process through blasting, diamond particles are formed at pressures higher than 200 kilo bars. At temperatures above 1000  ° C, the low pressure converted particles into graphite. Methods of separation and purification of gas and liquid nano- diamonds are divided into two groups that raise the cost of investment. After all purification of the resulting material is carried out as the carbonic compound still has many types and amounts of impurities such as O, N, H, a small amount of metal and carbondioxide. Nano- diamond is then purified and turned ashen while the ash explosion leads to a large amount of black and dark -graphite production. Powder used in these experiments was purified by liquid method. In this method, different oxidizing agents such as acids, mixed acids, bases and salts are used. All these methods are only carried out in laboratory scale. Characteristics of nano-diamond powder used are shown in Table 2. Table 2: The properties of the used nano-diamond powder in experiments Figure 1 shows the measured spectrum of 100  µCi 241Am-Be neutron source supplied by I.R. Iran Atomic Energy Agency and figure 2 show absorption cross section of 10B and 11B. Figure 1: Neutron spectrum of 241Am-Be Figure 2: Variation of neutron cross section of 10B and 11B isotopes 3-4-Geometry The experimental setups have been sketched in figure 3 and 4 for investigation of graphite and nano-diamond layers effect on reflection of fast neutrons. Figure 3: The experimental setup for investigation of graphite and nano-diamond layers effect on reflection of fast neutrons Figure 4: The experimental setup for investigation of graphite and nano-diamond layers effect on shielding of fast neutrons In the present study of neutron reflection, the height and radial of the cylinder are 35 cm and 11 cm respectively with one side open and the other closed. The neutron source is in center of the cylinder and the detector is placed in front of the open side. The cylinder is made of polyethylene with 2 mm thickness. Graphite and nano-diamond are coated with polyethylene in cylinder. The distance of the detector lateral surface and the open side of the cylinder was 20 cm. The thicknesses of coated graphite and nano-diamond were 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mm. The background neutrons are originated from walls, floor and other instrument in the around environment. A polyethylene cube with 10 cm thickness and a lead block with 2 cm thickness are located between source and detector for absorption of emitted gamma rays and neutrons from source. This geometry detects gamma rays background and neutrons. This work repeats for each measurement with and without absorbers. The first and second counts are foreground and background respectively. If background subtracts from foreground count, the result will be net count of reflected neutrons from cylinder to detector. To investigate the neutron shielding properties, neutron source has been located in center of graphite cubic with 2 mm thickness. Also, the LiI detector has been set in front of one side of the graphite cubic. Graphite and nano-diamond are coated on the same side of graphite cubic. The distance between the detector lateral surface and the open side of the cubic was 15 cm. The thicknesses of coated graphite and nano-diamond were 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mm. 4-Results of measurements As mentioned above, the thicknesses of graphite and nano-diamond were 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mm respectively. In each measurement, the same thicknesses were compared at a margin oferrorequal to  ±23 percent. The errors come from neutron source and count measurement as the error of neutron source was  ±15 percent and the count measurement (N) one was N1/2.The neutron counts in different thicknesses of graphite and nano-diamond are shown in figure 5 and 6. Figure 5: Neutron count diagram for graphite and nano-diamond layers with different thicknesses (Reflection) Figure 6: Neutron count diagram for graphite and nano-diamond layers with different thickness (Shielding) 5-Simulated results by Monte-Carlo method All the system parts have been simulated by Monte-Carlo method. We have used MCNPX2.6 to calculate the absorbed dose. MCNPX2.6 is a general purpose of Monte Carlo radiation transport code designed to track many particle types over broad ranges of energies. Form of molecule, bond and density are changed in a nano chemical composition. Coulomb force determines the form of molecules. The total charge of the neutron is zero. Therefore, there is no effect on neutron cross section with matter of nano scale. Also, the neutron reaction is nuclear and it is independent of charge or electron cloud so that it can be simulated by MCNP code. Therefore, it is not important to consider the nano-scale of the nano-diamond. However, nano-scale affects density and it must be noted in Monte-Carlo input. The neutron flux has been calculated in the sensitive volume of BF3 and LiI detectors with different thicknesses of graphite and nano-diamond. The results are shown in figure 7 and 8. Figure 7: Calculated neutron flux in sensitive volume of BF3 detector in different thickness of graphite and nano-diamond layers (Reflection) Figure 8: Calculated neutron flux in sensitive volume of LiI detector in different thickness of graphite and nano-diamond layers (Shielding) Because of hydrogen presence in the nano-diamond composition, it can reflect neutrons better than graphite. The neutrons counting is increased by graphite and nano-diamond thickness enhancement. However, determining thenumberofneutrons is faster for nano-diamond layer. Fig. 4 and fig. 6 show that the reflected neutrons are increased by thickness enhancement. The differences arise from the measurement method as the measurements are done by BF3 detector which measures thermal neutrons. The simulated results are considered the all of neutrons. Also, Fig. 7 and 8 show that nano-diamond has a more shielding effect in comparison with graphite because the net count rate becomes smaller by using nano-diamond shielding. The differences are because of the measurements done by BF3 detector and the simulation results are considered as the spectrum of neutrons. 6-Conclusion Two main factors effecting on neutron reflection are cross section and density. Nano-diamond (C10H16) contains hydrogen and it has larger cross section interaction in comparison with graphite. In addition, the density of nano-diamond and graphite are 3.5 and 1.8 g/cm3 respectively. According to the results, true count of nano-diamond reflector is 2 times of graphite reflector. The simulated and experimental results have good agreement by consideration of errors. Also, the number of low energy neutrons in nano-diamond reflector is larger than in graphite one. Therefore, conventional material can be put aside and nano-diamond is used for neutron shielding. References Glenn F. Knoll, â€Å"Radiation Detection and Measuremen†, Fourth Edition, 2010, , John Wiley Sons, Inc T. Taler, Characterization of Isolated Nnaodiamond Particle, Material Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, 6-18 (2004). Nicholas Tsoulfanidis; †Measurement and Detection of Radiation†; 2th edition, university of Missouri- Rollapress. 706 (1995). V. A. Artem’ev, †Atomic Energy†, Vol. 94, NO. 4, 282(2003). H.W. Schmitt, R.C. Block, R.L. Bailey, Total neutron cross section of 10B in the thermal neutron energy range, Volume17, June–July 1960, Pages 109–115. K. Kleinknecht, Dtectors for Particle Radiation, Cambridge University Press, London New York New Rochele, 120-125(1986). [1] Isfahan University, Faculty Of Advanced Science And Technologies, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Isfahan, Iran Ahmad Taghian; Email: [emailprotected]; Telephone: 00989128482357 Davood Rahi: Email: [emailprotected] [2] Malek Ashtar University Of Technology, Health Physics Department, Shahin shahr, Isfahan, Iran Hosein Sadeghi: Email: [emailprotected]