Monday, September 30, 2019

Dbq India vs Japanese Workers Cotton Industry

Japan and India in the 1880s-1930s had many similarities such as same economic change from mechanization to treatment and payment of the laborers in the cotton industry, however, differences in workers on social gender and employment rates. The Western influences of mechanization from Industrialized countries increased both economies of India and Japan through the increase production of cotton. Documents 1 and 2 is reliable data because the source being of educated authorities.In India cotton increased by doubled amount of its original production as seen in Document 1, but this only would’ve happened by filling job openings the machines came with based off the evidence in document 6. The Indian economist, Mukerjee, is in favor of the private investors for bringing mechanization to India because it will increase trade throughout the global trade networks connecting India to more parts of the world.Although Japan was later mechanized in cotton production, its increase of cotton yarn from year 1884 to 1914 held higher percentage than India, in conclusion Japanese economies also gained a better profit which would lead to connections to other parts of the world by exporting cotton. The vast amount of production in the cotton industry had employees from the working and lower class.Contained in Document 5, Japanese cotton corporations paid their workers very low wages by taking advantage of the surplus of people having the status of unemployment, an outcome of this is possible capitalism so the worker could not save money and try to start a business of his own. In comparison, India paid low wages in result to capitalism as well, but also permits a worker for only two years maximum because possible over-usage of workers reducing speed production represented in Document 9.A document from a factory owner containing the profits over the time of the cotton boom would be helpful in understanding the wages of employees being so low because its possible the owner had l ittle money to give after buyingthe machines to produce cotton and also to payback its investors. With all the new mechanization and unemployment on the high, companies hired many workers. However, Japan hired giant amounts of women compared to India.Indian workers in the cotton industry mainly consist of males because when under British ruling, women and children had labour laws where they could only work certain amount of hours that was less than males. Document 7 details the decline of women employees of years 1909-1934 because of these laws in place. However, Document 7 shows Japanese consistency of percentage in women employees because the Japanese society didn’t have any labour laws and women were cheaper to pay.Japanese families lived in poverty and saw their daughters as a way to have another source of income, because of subsistence farming most rural Japanese farmers sent their daughters to work for the good of the family in conclusion of document 4. We are given in document 3 the treatment and conditions on japanese workers through a personal recalling. The remembrance of her sister who died because of the work conditions could have altered her story, making the factory work seem much worse than what it might have been.However, if we had obtain a additional document containing the same standard of an Indian worker in the cotton industry showing how life was in the factories we could better compare and contrast the two countries work life. A personal letter to the workers family could show exaggeration of factory life similar to the one in Japan making a more fair comparison. Document 8 and 10 both photos taken by official documentors shows reliable source as documents. Both representing a picture of how factory working was like in India and Japan with different gender workers between the two countries.India however in document 10 is using mechanized machines compared to document 8 where women are handweaving cotton. In document 10 we can see m ore amount of yarn compared to 8 showing India thriving faster then in Japan factories that aren’t mechanized yet. The 1880s-1930s was a time where their was a economic boost for both Japan and India as well as employment rises but wages remain for the workers, however these countries differed on the workers they employed on gender and amounts.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ops 571 Week 4 Team

Riordan Manufacturing Production Plan OPS/571 November 1, 2012 Zachary Burk Riordan Manufacturing Production Plan Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. is a fortune 1000 company with revenues in excess of $1 billion (University of Phoenix, 2012). This wholly owned company is a global plastics manufacturer that employs 550 people with annual earnings of $46 million. Riordan has a reputation for being an industry leader in the industry of polymer materials and has various clout heavy clients such as the Department of Defense and major automotive companies.The company recently went global by relocating its Michigan operation of fan manufacturing to China. This paper will explain lean production and capacity planning for the new process design and supply chain process for Riordan. Strategic Capacity Planning The goal of strategic capacity planning for Riordan Manufacturing's is to maximize the level of output and return of investment. Riordan Manufacturing's should create a small sister plant to C hina in Michigan.If we are able to create a scaled down version of the plastic molding machines from the China plant, the plastic polymers safety storage from this facility can become the regular shipment to the Michigan facility. By creating the Michigan mini-facility Riordan Manufacturing could shift the smaller customized fan orders manufacturing and excess polymer inventory from the Hangzhou facility. By reinvesting in the Michigan facility and the United States economy, Riordan Manufacturing will be better equipped to meet the clients demanding more from Riordan’s Pontiac, Michigan location.It is clear that the China plant sustains an efficient delivery rate and maintains ample safety stock of polymer material. The Hangzhou China plant has a sufficient supply of plastic polymer because the raw material can be purchased locally. â€Å"Customers normally negotiate their yearly requirements for fans in order to obtain the lowest price. They then provide periodic release or ders for smaller quantities against the yearly total throughout the year† (University of Phoenix, 2012). As a manufacturer, Riordan machine hours per shift prove profitable when the number of units per shift performs at optimal levels.The China plant has processes that can be utilized within the company in different ways to encourage increased utilization and productivity at the Michigan plant in the United States. In addition, the China facility has a reliable shipping process that makes shipping the assembled or any raw material to the United States facility seamless. Lean Production Riordan Manufacturing operates a plastics plant in Hangzhou, China that acts as a decentralized unit of Riordan Manufacturing and produces electric fans (University of Phoenix, 2012).Lean Production for Riordan Manufacturing new process design will be done by making sure that they are providing quality products and services. Riordan Manufacturing is a leading name in the field of plastic injecti on molding. A new process design is needed for manufacturing facilities in China. All of their products are shipped to customers, which are expected to be restricted within a timeframe that could lead to a bottleneck. The lean production process will be provided in the new process design improvements that will take the company to a better stage of production and coordination.Riordan should evaluate their review process to make sure that the changes that are needed are in accordance to the data collected from the post project review. Important questions are helpful in improving lean production and improving efficiencies. Lean production requires Riordan manufacturing to implement production strategies that are often an issue for this company. The issues with the current process will be improved through suggestions. Supply Chain Processes Local procurement of materials provides an ease in production at the plant in Hangzhou.Costs are one area that attention is paid so that they can be kept within reason ensuring an affordable product. Throughout the process careful negotiations must be done to ensure there are adequate materials as well as manpower to fulfill the orders that have been placed by customers. The plant has the ability to produce a large amount of stock fans as well as special order merchandise. With specialty orders the process for procurement shift slightly because of the unique nature of the order and the variety of materials that may be used as well.With the procurement of the polymer done locally this also expedites the production process simply because logistics will not be an issue. The necessary machinery for manufacturing is onsite for quick manufacturing times that can quickly move into the production lines for assembly. Assembly leads way into storage for sales. Orders can be filled at the plant as well as shipped directly to the buyer both within China and internationally. Depending on the final destination of the merchandise there are mu ltiple companies that are used to ensure the fastest shipping time to the buyer.Potential trouble could arise if there was difficulty in procuring polymer. If this were to occur Riordan would have to locate the materials that can be transported to the plant to ensure there is no slow in the process. Also if this does become an issue there must be ample stock kept on hand to ensure the plant does not run out of the main item used in the manufacturing process. Conclusion Riordan will face challenges with taking its electric fan operation global. The organization will be to implement carefully planned strategic processes to ensure the success of this transition.Being mindful of their output levels and creating a mini facility in the United States will increase Riordan’s efficiency. By creating lean production processes and utilizing the organization’s local resources for its polymer materials will assist the company in sustaining performance and maintaining the competitiv e advantage. References University of Phoenix: Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. (2012). Retrieved October 28, 2012 from University of Phoenix website: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/index. html

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility That is Practising in Self Regulation Research Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility That is Practising in Self Regulation - Research Paper Example In general, the focus is usually to improve the public’s standards of living. The communal interests are incorporated into the business decision making process. â€Å"Corporations are now expected to deliver the good, not just the goods; to pursue values, not just value, and to help make the world a better place† (Bakan, 2004). However, critics of CSR argue that the ultimate goal of companies is to make profits from their capital outlay. It would be wrong to assume that a company can be established with the mission of helping the public to overcome the problems that they face in their day to day lives. This paper defines various concepts associated with corporate social responsibility. It identifies relevant issues, analyzes recent developments as well as an evaluation of arguments and finally, it presents and explains a personal opinion concerning CSR. CSR is faced with various issues concerned with the manner in which organizations operate to accomplish business strategies aimed at boosting profitability while on the other hand maintaining ethical principles for the sake of the public. In essence, every business venture is usually intended to make a profit, and as William (2010) argues, the business strategies are developed to help an organization to counter the factors that might hinder its profitability. The reaction of the public to the externalities emanating from the business operations is one factor that may hamper the realization of organizational objectives. Engaging in CSR is one of the tools applied by companies to ensure that its own externalities are viewed positively by the public. For example, large petroleum industries are the major contributors of the greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, which contributes to the degradation of the ozone layer and eventually global warming.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The rise and influence of Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War 2 Essay

The rise and influence of Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War 2 - Essay Example Franklin Delano Roosevelt, America’s longest serving President, is one of the most important political figures of the twentieth century. He led the USA through twelve years of domestic and international disorder and war. It is a general perception among people that no American President is more concerned about how he is portrayed than Franklin Roosevelt. He shrouded himself in dozens of disguises, including Sphinx, Father, Doctor, and Captain of the Ship of State. One main theme was consistent. Franklin Roosevelt invariably represented himself and was portrayed by others, as hale, hearty, optimistic, and healthy, his most brilliant disguise. That image of vigor makes ironic the debate over the depiction of Roosevelt in his memorial statues in Washington, DC, and raises complex issues about the portrayal of the best known but most enigmatic president of the twentieth century.Historians have always ranked Roosevelt as one of the greatest presidents of the United States along with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Franklin Roosevelt and World War II Between 1929 and 1945 the United States experienced a global depression and another world war. During t his time of grave calamity almost everywhere, economic collapse called forth political instability and nationalist movements. In Europe and Asia the rise of Italian fascism, German Nazism, and Japanese militarism intensified economic competition over markets and scarce resources, resulting in conflict and war . In the countries of Latin America the Great Depression led to breakdowns and political difficulties, the consequences of which encouraged the United States to respond in distinctive ways by fashioning a Good Neighbor policy. The Great Depression, which set in after the historic Stock Market Crash of 1929, and World War II would bring substantial expansion of the practice and its concepts. President Franklin D Roosevelt, a consummate practitioner who had been tutored in public relations by Louis McHenry Howe since 1912, would lead the way. He was elected four times against the strong opposition of the majority of American newspapers by using his true strong leadership and taking his message to the people on the nation's front pages and on radios. The term "good neighbor", a kind of commonplace in diplomatic language, took on actual meaning during the presidencies of Herbert C. Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt. For Latin Americans the term signified the end of an era of direct intervention by the United States in Latin American affairs. For the Roosevelt administration the Good Neighbor policy also functioned significantly in other ways: It served as an international counterpart of the New Deal by attacking the economic effects of the Great Depression and later as a means of mobilizing resistance among the nations of the New World against the Axis powers during the Second World War. As the historian Robert Freeman Smith explains, taken together the various components formed "a massive, although ill-defined government effort" under U.S direction to create "an integrated hemisphere system" characterized by high levels of "political, economic and military co-operation". FDR's success in winning public support spurred the efforts of the conservative forces, particularly Big Business, to develop programs to counter his appeals. To bring the United States out of the Depression, President Roosevelt initiated a number of actions agencies - the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and the Works Project Administration - that required extensively publicity in order to gain cooperation and acceptance. Thus, the public information system in the federal government was greatly enlarged in FDR's administration. In a sense and to oversimplify - the Second World

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Capital punishment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Capital punishment - Research Paper Example Advocates of death penalty argue that it should be given to hardcore criminals in order to reduce or control crime rates in a country whereas critics believe that death penalty should be avoided in all circumstances, as it is not a proper mean to punish criminals in a civilized world like ours. This paper analyses various dimensions of death penalty in detail. One of the major arguments against capital punishment is that â€Å"it never allows a criminal to change his behavior as in the case of other forms of punishments† (Kartha). It should be noted that the character of a human can be changed as time goes on. Nobody will get a second chance to live or correct his mistakes once he has been given capital punishment. Life is the most precious thing in this world and it should be honored and respected as much as possible. Even after huge developments, in science and technology, the secrets behind life are still unknown to us. Only the creator knows the secrets of his creations. U nder these circumstances, critics of death penalty argue that killing of a criminal may not be the suitable way of punishment. In their opinion, both the criminal and the criminal justice system do the same thing while declaring capital punishment to a criminal. ... One of the major core principles of the criminal justice system is that no innocent person should be punished even if thousands of criminals escaped. However, these principles are often been violated by the courts. Nobody can guarantee that court procedures are free of errors. Humans can commit mistakes. If that is true, courts controlled by human elements can also commit mistakes. It should be noted that after taking a life, nobody can return it once the offenders realize their mistakes. The above principle is true in the case of courts also. According to Kantian ethical theories, â€Å"even a person guilty of murder is to be treated with a certain sort of dignity, because even the murderer is still a person -- still an end in himself† (Stairs). If capital punishment is unethical and illegal, the question, how hardcore criminals should be handled or punished, is relevant. Nobody can assure that criminals such as Osama Bin Laden may change their behavior over a period of time. If they were released from jails, they may continue their criminal behavior and innocent civilians may lose their lives again. Under these circumstances, supporters of capital punishment argue that hardcore criminals should be executed with immediate effect in order to save the lives of others. In their opinion, a criminal who is responsible for killing innocent people does not have the right to live in this world. â€Å"It is said that when a criminal is given a capital punishment, it dissuades others in the society from committing such serious crimes. They would refrain from such crimes due to fear of losing their lives†( Kartha). In the absence of severe punishments such as capital punishment, the motivation for criminal activities may increase

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business Strategy - Essay Example In the year, 2010 â€Å"Marks and Spencer plc† took the position of the largest cloth retailer in the United Kingdom. With 885 stores in over 40 countries with 600 stores being in the UK, the company boasted that for everyone on three women were wearing their bras. However, analysts were worried about the sustainability of the company in UK; retailing recovery. In the same year, a new CEO took over the running of the company he was faced with several issues that were associated with the reassessment of the company’s competitive strategy and the present challenges of strategic change. The choosing of 50-year-old Mark Bolland, who previously was the CEO of a UK supermarket chain, was greeted with a very positive response from the public, media and shareholders alike. The new CEO faced several challenges in his new position; he had to implement strategies, which would secure the future of the company that had the most famous name in the shopping malls. The company for long had been the largest retailer of clothes in the UK. This was an organization to which analysts referred to when they were reporting whether the high street has a good or a bad season of sales. An organization, which historically is loved and known by the people of Britain. At the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, investors were nervous. Below are several questions that were raised about the future of the firm that needed to be resolved (Bevan, 2007 p45). Analysis In the year 2009, the company delivered reasonable results in the 2008-09 financial, trade year. This was a period that was hit by the economic recession. In the previous year, the company had registered a ? 1 billion mark in the pre-tax profits for the first time in the decade. The company’s reputation had suffered a great deal when in 1998, it became the first retailer in Britain to make profits that amounted to ?1 billion, however, within the same year the company was issuing profit warnings. This was a self -inflicted catastrophic injury from its premium position. The company managed to limp through the period with the turbulent changes that were hitting it from all directions. With Sir Stuart’s appointment as the CEO of the company in the year 2004, saw the company regain its lost glory, and, as a result, regained its health and returned to the profit level of ?1 billion (Bevan, 2007 p57). When the company was founded and was still being rum by Simon Mark, he was known for his personal, autocratic and top-down management style. He was also known for his infamous attention that he had to detail. He showed this with the way that he dealt with the suppliers. He ensured that he always got his supplies from specific suppliers and always ensured that the goods that were supplied by these suppliers were to specification. By this, he built a relationship between â€Å"Marks and Spencer plc† and the supplying group. This assured customers with high and consistent quality. The com pany became largely successful in terms of delivery of high quality and reliable brand to the customers. By this, the company earned outstanding rewards in profit and market share (Bevan, 2007 p60). Historically the company was run using a trusted, tried and tested recipe; this is in the way the company did business (Bevan, 2007 p65). It was embedded in several fundamental principles that the company was run on: 1. The customers were to be offered high quality and well designed merchandise that was also

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

UK constitutional convention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UK constitutional convention - Essay Example A constitutional convention is an uncodified or unwritten and an informal procedural agreement, which is followed by institutions in a state. Common wealth states for instance states that they follow the British west minister system of government. A constitutional convention is therefore traditional unwritten laws that form the fundamentals of the written constitution. Most states in the modern world are guided by constitutional conventions instead of the written constitutions1. However, in the states that follow constitutional conventions, they have difference in distribution of powers, which are remarkably different from those that follow formal constitutional documents (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2006). Unlike the written constitution, which gives the head of state too much power, constitutional conventions in practice are used only to advice the government. The use of constitutional conventions arose when the exercise of a certain type of power that is not prohibited by law began raising opposition that it became impossible on future instances to take part in additional exercise of these powers. An example of such constitutional convention is that the prime minister of UK cannot continue in office lacking the support of the majority of votes in the House of Commons (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007). Different states have a system whereby they use constitutional conventions only, while others use a system whereby they operate alongside written constitutions. ... They can only be exercised when the parliament or the national assembly passes a decree or constitutional amendment codifying the convention. The above principle UK is viewed as authoritative and acceptable in many other jurisdictions, including the most of the common wealth countries (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2005). Constitutional conventions are not always acceptable due to various reasons. One prominent reason is that they keep on changing overtime as compared to written laws that would require concept and a constitutional amendment. For instance in the UK, the British parliament requested a parliament dissolution from the monarch. Since then, the prime minister in the UK can decide to dissolve the government on his own without consulting the queen. It is of prime importance to note that constitutional conventions have played a huge role in promoting democracy2. This is because they promote equality in the decisions that an individual can make over the other. They also all ow citizens to participate equally in direct representation or through representative democracy (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2004). According to The Economist Intelligence Unit (2003), constitutional conventions have been known to play a major role to promote democracy. UK has the highest number of constitutional conventions unlike other nations since the majority of its laws are not written. The countries constitutional conventions provide key rules and guidelines for the country’s constitution. These conventions add to, or take away from, in at times dramatic was. One of the main conventions in UK includes the convention of individual ministry responsibilities. The unwritten

Monday, September 23, 2019

Presidential Power and Domestic Intelligence Essay

Presidential Power and Domestic Intelligence - Essay Example of 1978 was implemented to guide the people on how to request for a judicial authorization before an electronic surveillance or physical search on a person can be done (FAS, 2012). Based on the original F.I.S.A. guidelines, the local government should first request for a judicial authorization before conducting an electronic surveillance or a physical search on a suspected person. During the Bush administration, there was a conflicting legal issue with regards to the latest intelligence collection practices and the F.I.S.A. guidelines. To correct the gap between the legal issue on electronic surveillance and the actual practice of warrantless domestic wiretapping of phones, tracking of messages from the Internet, the president went out of his way to persuade the Congress to support the need to amend the origninal guidelnes on F.I.S.A. (PBS, 2007). Based on the conversation between Bill Moyers with Fritz Schwarz and Charles Fried, it is clear that Bush was actually manipulating the Congress so that the president can do whatever he decided to do. Even though something is not legal, Bush was using his authoritative power to control the people around the Congress without the knowledge of the local citizens. Regardless of whether or not Bush’s strategy to control terrorism has been effective in serving its purpose, I think that the Bush administration went too far in reforming the domestic intelligence

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Managing physical resources Essay Example for Free

Managing physical resources Essay Within this task I am going to produce data that is going to be included in a job information pack, as part of an advertisement campaign for a new post with a company that my supervisor has asked to to work on. The main factor that I am going to include is: Â  The key features of legislation, including Health and Safety, which effects the management of resources. It is important for employers to be aware that they have a responsibility for the health and safety of their employees. They are also responsible for any visitors to their premises such as customers, suppliers and and general public. Employers can help ensure of the health and safety of these people through conducting a risk assessment. A risk assessment can be defined as identifying a potential risk. Employers have a duty of care to ensure as much as possible of the health and safety of people involved with the business. Often an employer will appoint specific person to deal with risk assessments within the business that is trained within health and safety. This is highly recommended for a business to use as it is known to significantly decrease the risk of problems regarding health and safety within a company. This is because by analysing and then identifying potential risks, then strategies can be used in order to combat these potential risks so as an employer completes their duty of care for the people involved in the business. There are many factors that a company must take into account when opening there business so that they maintain their responsibility of ensuring the health and safety of people involved in the business. The first issue that I will look at is when a business is employing five or more people. In this case the business would have to have an official record of what the assessment consists of, meaning that that the employer would have to have certain plans in order to deal with potential risks. As well as this, there must also be a formal health and safety policy, which also includes arrangements to protect the health and safety of the employee. Health and Safety at Work Act The next issue I am going to focus on is the employers duty of care in practice. It is imperative that all employers, despite the size of their company ensure of certain factors, and examples of of these factors are shown below: Ensuring the workplace is safe. Â  Provide adequate first aid facilities. Â  Have emergency plans for potential risks. Firstly, employers should prevent the risks of injury within the workplace as much as possible. Following this, if an injury was to occur then there should be first aid facilities than can deal with the problem effectively. Finally, if an injury was to occur then the employer should have emergency plans so that it can be dealt with to the highest standard so as the person involved is treated in the most effective way possible. In order for the workplace to be safe and healthy, an employer should:Â  Light premises so that employees can work and move safety. Â  Ensure that employees are their necessary work break. Â  Store items so they are unlikely to cause an injury. These are some examples above of what an employer is expected to ensure of in the workplace for the health and safety of people involved with the company. Firstly, the premises should be at the correct light so as people an see what they are doing and the chance of an injury will therefore be decreased. The employers must also ensure that their employees have the adequate time break so that they are able to operate effectively, on both a person and business level. A hazard that is often a cause of injury within a workplace is when items are not stored correctly and when to storage cupboard is opened it falls, causing an injury. This is therefore vital for the employers to ensure that employees are able to store items correctly to prevent injury. The rights of an employee within the workplace with regards to health and safety are shown below. Â  To have any risks to your health and safety properly controlled by your employer. Â  To be provided, free of charge, any personal protective and safety equipment If there are reasonable concerns about your safety, to stop work and leave your work area, without being disciplined. To tell your employer about any health and safety concerns you have. COSHH This is a law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. This meaning of this law is shown below. C ONTROL O F S UBSTANCES H AZADOUS H EALTH An employer will be able to prevent employees exposure to these substances by: Â  Identifying the health hazards. Â  Creating a risk assessment. Â  Provide training to employees to understand these substances. Provide training to employees so they know how to deal with an accident involving these substances. Â  Planning for emergencies. There are often chemicals and substances within a workplace that are hazardous to employees healthy, and through using COSHH then the chance of employees having an injury that is related to chemicals or substances in the workplace is significantly reduced. This is on the assumption that the employer takes into consideration the points stated above. Most businesses use substances, or products that are mixtures of substances. Some create substances that could cause harm to employees and people within the workplace. Sometimes substances are easily recognised as harmful such as paint, bleach or dust from natural materials may also be harmful. The company itself would be responsible for carrying out the procedure above and any equipment necessary to ensure the employees and people within the workplace are not effected by hazardous substances. The necessary equipment needed to ensure this will also need to be maintained by the company itself. Fire Precaution Act 1971 This legislation deals with factors including: * The detection process and giving a warning in case of a fire. Â  The process of escape from the danger. * The way to fight and combat a fire. The training of staff with regards to fire safety. This legislation focusses on safety within the workplace with regards to the chance of a fire. This is designed to ensure that employees are able to prevent a fire occurring as much as possible. However, in the case of a fire employees would be able to deal with it effectively so as the safety of people involved are ensured. The first point looks at the importance of being able to identify that there is in fact a fire within the premises. This can be done through having adequate and effective fire and smoke alarms located thoroughly throughout the workplace. If a fire is identified then people within the workplace will need to know the process of escaping to safety. This can be done by having fire exists in the workplace, with employees of the company taking control of the situation and ensuring people within the premises are re-assured and are guided step by step to safety. In some cases there will need to be staff trained that are trained in being able to combat a fire whilst emergency services on on route to the premises. This can be done with effective training in fire extinguishers and necessary equipment used to combat a fire. As it is the resource managers responsibility to deal with the safety of employees and customers, then it will consequently have an effect on them. For example, they will have to send staff on training courses regarding fire safety which will be at a cost. However, this training is a necessity and will be needed by the company. As well as this, there will be changes in equipment such as more modern and effective fire extinguishers. Therefore, further training with regards to this be needed to be carried out by the resource manager to ensure that certain employees can use these pieces equipment effectively in the event of a fire. Employees may have to go on training courses mean that they will not be able to work whilst this training is being carried out. This training could be off the job and could be at a different premises to their workplace and therefore these employees need to be willing to commit to this so as the training on new equipment can be complete. This equipment would be the responsibility of the company who is providing the training to another company to make sure it is in the appropriate condition so that the safety of trainees is ensured. The Control of Noise at Work Regulation 1989 This legislation came into force for all industry sectors in Great Britain on 6th April 2006. The aim of this legislation is to ensure that employees hearing is protected from excessive noise in the workplace, which has the possibility of damaging their hearing or can be a cause of tinnitus. The level at which employers must provide hearing protection is 85 decibels, on the means that it is a daily or weekly average exposure. Employers must access the situation regarding this legislation and where it is necessary, ensure that: Hearing protection is provided and used. Â  They provide information, training and health surveillance where it is needed. Certain factors can be used to judge whether there is a problem with noise in a workplace. These factors are shown below: Â  Whether employees have to raise their voice to carry out a normal conversation from about two metres apart. Â  Whether employees use noisy powered tools or machinery for more than half an hour a day. Â  If there are noises due to impacts, such as hammering. The purpose of this act is to ensure of the health and safety of people within a business in regards to the noise in the workplace. The resource manager will have to purchase the necessary equipment to measure to decibel level in the premises so that the right precautions can be carried out if they do in fact reach a certain level. For example, if the noise in the workplace does exceed 85 decibels then it means that the resource manager will have to purchase the necessary equipment to ensure that the hearing safety of people with the premises are ensured. Equipment that would usually be used are ear plugs, which primarily cut out exterior noise pollution, and allow the person to hear people from a close range. Conclusion In summary, a resource manager will have to take into account certain legislations and factors so that the health and safety of people involved within a company, such as employees and customers are ensured. This may mean that they will have to purchase equipment and use training to have be able to do so.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hollifield Family Reunion Essay Example for Free

Hollifield Family Reunion Essay Every year around the last week of July my father’s family all meets for a two day reunion in the small town of Spruce Pine, North Carolina. Hollifield’s have resided in the area for over 100 years! There are many streets named after us and if you’re walking around town some people even notice you’re a Hollifield just by looking at you. Although it is only two days long, the reunion is something I cherish deep in my heart, for it’s the only time I get to see my father’s family. One night in 1974, my grandpa and a few other family members were sitting around reminiscing about their childhood. They were laughing at all the memories and good times they’ve had and all the trouble they got into. My grandpa was telling everyone he had been thinking of a way that everyone could make some time to all come together for a couple days once every year. His uncle told him that they should start a family reunion. So starting in July of 1974 the annual Hollifield reunion began. Everyone gets to the hotel Friday night and gets settled in and reacquainted a lot of hugging, kissing, laughing, and eating. My sister and I get our own hotel room so most of our cousins bring sleeping bags and stay both nights in our room. We talk about what we’ve all done that year, who’s dating who, what kind of cars we’ve bought; we pretty much talk each other’s ears off. The next morning we all get up and find somewhere to eat and walk around town. Downtown Spruce Pine is absolutely beautiful. There are flowers and pine trees growing everywhere, and you can smell all the bakeries and barbeque pits. There are little stores with antiques and instruments, florists, wedding dress shops, and candy stores. It could go from 90 degrees with the sun shining to a humid rain in a matter of minutes. When it rains you can smell it a hundred times better than in California. After we walk through town we get to a huge, long wooden bridge. It’s been there for years and underneath it flows a beautiful creek and a park filled with laughing children frolicking in the sunlight. We normally go to the park and mess  around on everything then make our way to the creek. You have to go down a steep hill made of dirt and freckled with little patches of bright green grass. The boys catch crawdads and crayfish while us girls dip our feet in the clear chilly water and wait for the train to pass. The train is large and used to transport coal and freight. Personally, the train is one of my favorite parts of Spruce Pine. It’s loud yet still soothing and controlled. After a few hours the rest of the family begins to show up at the park with fresh, good old-fashioned southern food. They unload the cars of barbeque, slaw, potatoes, mac and cheese, collard greens, green beans, pasta salads, and more desert than any amount of people should ever consume. Following our meal is the baseball game. The whole family plays and we get chosen randomly for two teams. In the end my grandpa tells us that everyone won and an MVP is chosen from each team who receives a golden trophy of a boy or girl with a tiny body and huge head, holding a baseball bat. We all clean up then head back to the hotel to get swimsuits and drive over to the pool. A few hours into swimming we decide to go to the hotel and shower then all the kids find a place to eat supper. Upon leaving the restaurant someone informs us that the annual hide-n-seek game has begun. We take off running towards the hotel to find a hiding place while the person chosen as â€Å"it† stays and counts for 5 minutes. The game involves a lot of pushing, shoving, screaming, laughing, and those little chills you get when you’ve found a place and you know that any second you could be found. After the game we all head back to my sister and I’s room and hang out. We stay up all night talking about everything that happened, who did the most embarrassing thing, which was the funniest, and other things we had encountered that day. As the night goes by we start to notice our time is almost up. Most of my cousins live in NC so they see each other all the time, but as the hours pass my sister and I notice that our time in NC is almost over; that we’ll have to wait yet another slow, California year before we get back to the peaceful happiness of NC. Around 9 in the morning our cousin’s head back to their rooms to get ready for our last meal together. For breakfast Sunday morning the whole family fills the back room of The Western Sizzler. Western Sizzler may be the best place to get breakfast ever. It’s is 3 large buffet tables covered in bacon, sausage, ham, eggs,  fruit, veggies, pancakes, waffles, biscuits and gravy, yogurt, granola, hash browns, country potatoes, varieties of juices, milks, sodas. And at the end there is a huge dessert bar. We eat and talk and talk and eat. And eat some more†¦ and then a little bit more. We catch up with some of the older members of the family and tell them what we did all weekend. My aunt Vicki walks around and takes millions of pictures with her big nice camera that has a flash that could blind the whole family at the same time. When everyone has finished my grandpa stands up and talks about all the great things that have gone on during the weekend, all the graduates and birthdays, all the births and deaths. We end the reunion by hugging and some crying (I won’t lie; Ià ¢â‚¬â„¢m one of the criers). If my family had never got the idea to have a reunion, I don’t know when I would ever see them. The reunion brings us together in a quick two day span filled with great food, laughter, and all around happiness. It seems like when we’re all together nothing can go wrong. My cousins and I have vowed that when our time comes, we will carry on the tradition of the Hollifield Family Reunion until the day we die.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Leadership in Mentoring Nursing Students

Leadership in Mentoring Nursing Students Management has been existed in our society since human beings began in the form of social organisation to achieve their goals, have become a significant part to our society and human activity. Management and leadership are clearly different, management is do things right and leadership is do the right thing, but both are equally important (Bennis, 1997). Therefore, the effective leaders and effective managers are required by the organisations, teams or groups to achieve the expected goals. Bennis (1994) defined management as a process of getting things done through others. This definition emphasizes that a manager to manage and organize a planning, assessment and assist the activities of others or subordinates. Bateman and Snell (2007) stated that four management functions: planning, organising, leading, and controlling are very valuable for professional practice. McKenna et al (2004) assert that effective leadership in practice is crucial for professional development and patients care enhancement. According to Marquis and Huston (2003), leadership is a process without threats and violence of empowering belief, persuading, moving and influencing another toward an objective. Dessler (2004) also defined leadership as a person influences others to willingly work toward a predetermined goal. However, Mintzberg (2004) assert that there are many views and definitions of leadership and makes leadership is complicated and confusing. Stanley (2009) defines and explores the health practice leadership as unifying people around values and then constructing the social world for others around those values and helping people to get through change. Leadership impact our daily and futures lives and very important in my clinical area to create an environment thats positive for relationship building and conducive to effective professional practice. Health professional such as nurses and AMO requires a strong, knowledgeable and consistent leader in quality professional practice environments to provide quality health services. Therefore, to achieve the requirements of professional practice and consumers requirements and expectations, its important for health professional to integrate leadership in health professional practice (Sofarelli and Brown, 1998). I will discuss and explore the theory of leadership in this paper when mentoring and encouraging staff and Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) to their career development, including further learning and leadership methods at Plaster Unit, and will implement this idea in my placement and appropriate use for my new task as a leader. My hospital is among the most famous teaching hospital in Malaysia which conduct education programs for medical, nursing and allied health science students. With over 11 years working experience and was promoted to Senior Assistant Medical Officer at Plaster Unit, Orthopaedic Department since January 2011. I have been appointed by head of Orthopaedic Department as manager, clinical instructor and mentor of Plaster Unit for new staff, medical and nursing students, particularly related to Plaster of Paris application. At the same time, I need to train and facilitate the department staff and newly AMO to update skills, knowledge and develop their further learning including mentoring programs. As a manager and instructor at Plaster Unit, I may be writing policies, assess, implement and promote policies, I might challenge the policy appears to be sensible and evaluate the policies. Good leaders were made rather than born. Good leaders must have the desire, willpower, and develops through lifelong learning process of educational, training and experiences (Jago, 1982). Taylor (2009) state that today health care operates in a rapidly growing environment where changes in leadership to be the main criteria for career development. Many different leadership theories have emerged and made based on previous theorists, but there are 8 major leadership theories; Great Man theory, Trait theory, Contingency theory, Situation theory, Behavioural theory, Participative theory, Transactional theory and Transformational theory. Burns (1978) have identified two types of leadership theories; transactional and transformational. Burns (1978) describes the transactional theory: leaders are just sitting towards the result, followers are directed to perform tasks and be appreciated by money or reward if the task is accomplished. In transformational theory, leaders see the relationship is very important, especially between leaders and followers. Mentoring relationships can develop the highest level of relationship between managers and subordinates (Graen Scandura, 1987). According to WhettonÂÂ   Cameron (2002), studies have shown that mentoring relationships have been increased career satisfaction, resiliency to stress, professional practice success and developing motivation. The initial concept of transformational leadership was introduced by Burns (1978); leaders and followers make each other to advance to a higher level of moral and motivation. Bass (1985) explains that the difference between transactional and transformational leadership is the ability of transformational leadership to motivate others to achieve goals more than what they wants. Transformational leadership has influenced me and mentoring program in plaster unit, it has motivated me and students to believe the vision and implement it to achieve goals. To be a trusted mentor and as a motivation , I am constantly learning and using advanced knowledge, my experience and skills to develop them as a successful professional through mentoring program. Transformational leadership occurs when leaders changes followers in three ways: the followers trusting the leader, performing behaviours that contribute to successfully of organisation objectives and get motivated to work at the highest level (Bass,1985). Schunk (2005) assert that motivation is a critical component of learning and professional development. I always have been motivated by the head of department and AMO supervisor to constantly improve the knowledge and skills, a nd this similarly methods are applied in mentoring program to the students and staff under my supervision. Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. Further research has identified the type of leadership that is more specific, but a preliminary research by a team of researchers led by Kurt Lewin in 1939 is influenced and established the three main leadership styles; Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire. Autocratic leaders make decisions independently and are usually seen as controlling, bossy and dictatorial. Autocratic leadership best used in situations where lack of time to make decisions or leader is the most knowledgeable. Lewin et al (1939) found that the Democratic leadership is most effective leadership style. Democratic leaders offer guidance, participate in groups and encourage participation in the group, but retain the final decision-making process. Subordinates feel more involved in the group planning, more creative and motivated. While, researchers found that Laissez-Fair leadership is the least productiv e, where the Laissez-Fair leaders offer little or no guidance to subordinates and let them make their own decisions. Laissez-Faire leadership effectively used in situations that have members who are highly skilled, knowledgeable, motivated and able to work on their own. According to Lewin et al (1939), different leader lead differently, they can choose which style where appropriate and depending on the situation. Democratic leadership have been adopted in our department and mentoring program, all are encouraged and freely to give opinions and recommendations through department meetings, regular meetings and during weekly clinical area visits. I and AMO supervisor always offer guidance, participate in groups and encourage all AMO to involve in weekly discussions; it makes them feel involved in decision-making in Plaster Unit. Many researchers have shown that effective communication is closely related to the organisational successful and most important process of the management to run smoothly, to share information, decisions making and enhance the productive relationships with patients. According to Barret (2006), effective communication skills makes an effective leader; effective communication skills will build, enable and create understanding and trust that will encourage their subordinates to follow their leader. I believe that effective communication will help member to build trust, respect, facilitate learning, to understand the issues and make decisions for effective change and achieve goals. Shamir et al (1993) asserts that transformational leadership using communication to create a positive atmosphere and beneficial changes to their follower. When mentoring, I always encourage maximum interaction between mentor and learners to create more communication. Communication will be more effective if lead ers/mentor can be credible by his followers/mentee to create a positive ethos, because credibility is very important to inspire confidence and encourage followers to listen. Kouzes and Posner (1993) states that the most important things others follow someone is persons credibility. In summary, lifelong learning is very important for professional practice development, and better services to patients. Mentoring is a successful strategy to increase students academic success and professional careers (MacCallum Beltman, 2003). As a mentor and manager of Plaster Unit, I need to supervise, teach, provide skills and knowledge to newly AMO and students, and ensure the mentoring program is successful as expected objectives. Therefore, the skills of persuade and influence others is essential to gain trust and be accepted by students. Kram (1985) has outlined three key aspects of mentoring; mentoring-relationships, guidance for learning and mechanisms to achieve significant leadership development. Leadership development has become increasingly important and strategic imperative for private or public organisation (Leskiw and Singh, 2007). At my placement, mentoring program through transformational leadership has been recognized by the head of department and hospital management to produce a dedicated staff and good leaders, to provide quality services to our patients which are priority of our tasks. We believe that transformational leaders have competencies and expertise to constantly keep our department competitive. According to Raggins et al (2000), studies have shown that mentoring provides many benefits to facilitate the career development of employees. Advice, support and encouragement can be delivered by experienced professionals for the less experienced professionals through a mentoring program. Transformational leadership will be activated, and a positive work culture and subordinates career development can be promoted if leaders or manager served as a mentor (Scandura Williams, 2004). Bass and Avolio (1993) believes that vision communication and an emphasis on achieving organisational goals by building self-c onfidence of followers are among the major behaviour of transformational leader. Bass (1990) assert that the concept of transformational leadership and mentoring approach are same, both influences the career development, commitment, performance and satisfaction. However, according to Sosik and Godshalk (2000), when compared to transactional leadership, transformational leadership mentoring supervision is better and more effective. Bass (1990) explains that there are four main characteristics that distinguish transformational leaders from transactional leadership: Transformational leaders are characterized by idealised influence or charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration. Mentoring will be more effective if those four characters of transformational leadership are present on mentor (Scandura Wlliams, 2004). Banerji and Krishnan (2000) asserts that charisma characteristics are the most important of transformational leadership. House (1977) explain that charismatic leaders have the characteristics of ability to communicate, inspire and motivate the employees, communication skills, self-confidence, ability to interpret and implement the organizational vision and ability to be enthusiastic to daily works. Therefore, I believe that transformational characteristics are important to achieve the department vision and self-improvement. Jung et al (2009) states that the characteristics of transformational leadership are often associated with many positive organizational outcomes and related to overall effectiveness of leadership. There is substantial evidence that transformational leadership will enhance the quality of health-care services to patients and reduce the negative impact on health professional, increase staff creativity and department innovation. As manager of plaster unit, I expect this leadership transformational benefits will make us more creative and able to adapt their skills and knowledge to the services and the best clinical outcomes for patients. In conclusion, this paper has highlighted the important issues of leadership that is needed for future practice development and how has affected the mentoring success. As health professionals who are concerned with career development and provide the best service to patients, it is important to explore and learn deeper about various leadership styles. Transformational leadership theory is advocated by many leadership thinkers as the best leadership approach to in the organization that allows employees to achieve their full potential (Taylor, 2009). Integrating mentoring and transformational leadership are crucial for health professional to get more effective leadership training (Scandura Williams, 2004). Therefore, organisations need to more improve mentoring and leadership training that will facilitate the development of transformational leaders and capable mentors.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

American Dream in The Great Gatsby Essay example -- essays research pa

â€Å"The American Dream is invariably seen to fail. Discuss† The Great Gatsby   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  F. Scott Fitzgerald is seen as one of the greatest American writers, admired by his contemparies and by modern audiences of today. Fitzgerald was very much in tune with the early twentieth century American culture. He is credited with capturing the ‘Jazz Age’, which he described as â€Å"a generation grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken†. Fitzgerald observed the culture around him with a critical eye. Despite being able to depict America like few others could, many see Fitzgerald’s writing as an indictment on its values.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Works such as The Diamond as Big as the Ritz and Absolution (said by Fitzgerald to be an introduction to The Great Gatsby ) are regarded as attacks on the concept of the American Dream and that Fitzgerald believed it to be futile. This disillusionment is most starkly and tragically explored in The Great Gatsby.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The character of Jay Gatsby could be perceived as the embodiment of the American Dream. He comes from a poor working background, where he is James Gatz, and reinvents himself into the wealthy popular figure of Jay Gatsby. He represents the idea that â€Å"anybody can make it in America†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After Gatsby’s death, his Father shows Nick his ‘schedule’ from when he was a boy; SCHEDULE Rise from bed  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6.00  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A.M Dumbbell exercise and wall-scaling  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6.15 – 6.30   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å" Study electricity, etc.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7.15 – 8.15 â€Å" Work  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8.30 – 4.30 P.M Baseball and sports  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  &nb... ...dreams – not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion.† The American Dream is simply that; a dream. Through the tragedy of Gatsby, Fitzgerald shows us what happens when fantasy and reality are brought together. Despite seemingly having everything, Gatsby has nothing. His material wealth cannot compensate for what he lacks emotionally. Like Jay Gatsby, the American Dream will always fail when it is shattered by reality. Bibliography Deborah L. Madsen, American Exceptionalism, Keele University Press, 1998 Leslie Fieldler, Love and Death in the American Novel (3rd Edition), Penguin, 1982 Thomas Stavoli, Scott Fitzgerald: Crisis in American Identity, Vision Press, 1979 Brian Way, F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Art of Social Fiction, Arnold, 1986 Neil Campbell and Alisdair Kean, American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture, Routledge, 1997 Ann Massa and Scott Donaldson, American Literature: Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Newton Abbot, 1978 Marius Bewley, The Eccentric Design: Form in the Classic American Novel, Columbia University Press, 1959 F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, Wordsworth Editions Limited, 1993

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe :: essays research papers

Absence of Beauty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edgar Allan Poe sees evil as a living threat to man because he lives in its presence. Parallel with the tragedies in his own life relating to the deaths of his young mother, wife and others he loved in his life. It is no wonder that he sees the absence of beauty as evil, because he felt the terror and tragedy of the loss of his own life. In his stories he illustrates how the absence of beauty is the essence of evil. In “The Tell Tale Heart'; when the old man’s eyes is closed he would not be killed because his eye is not considered ugly. That is why each night the man goes into his room to see if the eye is open. “… but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye.';(139) The eye when open represents the ugliness of the old man. When that ugliness is present, beauty is gone and evil is present. The ugliness of the old man’s open eye is the cause for his killer to kill him because evil is present and beauty is no where to be found.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In “The Fall of the House of Usher'; Madeline is beautiful once she gets sick her brother, Roderick, gets sick and everything seems to fall apart. Madeline’s beauty had kept the evil down and covered up. As Madeline gets sicker and sicker it gets worse and worse. Finally when Madeline dies beauty no longer exists Roderick goes crazy and everything is destroyed because beauty was not there to cover up all the evil that they possessed. The absence of beauty caused all evil to break loose. The house collapses and Roderick is destroyed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In “The Black Cat'; the cat to him was beautiful and precious. “This latter was a remarkably large and beautiful animal, entirely black, and sagacious to an astonishing degree.';(12) Beauty is what one person sees through his own eyes. “The cat followed me down the steep stairs, and nearly throwing me headlong, exasperated me to madness.';(18) Once he saw that the cat was no longer beautiful it causes him to murder his wife because all his evil was hidden and once that beauty that he saw died and became none existing everything he was hiding especially his evil side came out caused him to kill.