Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How Teachers Influence Pupil Learning And Success

How might teachers influence pupil learning and success? Consider some of the key features of high-quality teaching and how teachers might promote children’s success in the primary classroom? Teachers unquestionably have a major influence on pupil learning and success, this influence has increased further with the implementation of the new National Curriculum which has placed an onus on the teacher, making it their responsibility for assessing pupils’ learning and the progress which the pupils’ are making. The levels system from previous National Curriculums had been in service in the English education system for the past 20 years has been scrapped and with its removal it has given teachers â€Å"greater flexibility in the way that they plan†¦show more content†¦Another key feature of high quality teaching is the teachers ability to adapt to the different style of learners which they have in their class. Koshy, Ernest Casey (2000) carried out an interesting piece of research which investigated the retention of learning when different teaching strategies were used. The results findings were very interesting, 5% of a maths class retained information when presented in a formal lecture, 10% retained information when the same words were read, 20% retained information when the teacher used audio-visual aids, 30% of the class retained the information when a practical demonstration was carried out, 50% retained the information when they were challenged to

Monday, December 23, 2019

Night- Elie Wiesel Practice Essay - 1348 Words

â€Å"Night’ shows that even in the most brutalising conditions, people still behave humanely. To what extent do you agree?† In the text Night, written by Elie Wiesel, it is a horrific story about how the Nazi’s invaded Wiesel’s hometown of Sighet, Hungry and where taken under German control and sent to many concentration camps. During his time at the concentration camps, Elie and fallow Jews were in harsh and unforgettable conditions and treated severe from the Germans that no one could imagine. There is plenty of evidence which supports that even through many people turned and began to do dreadful things to one another; there were the very few people who stayed calm and gentle within all of the commotion. Night’ illustrates the†¦show more content†¦One of the worst things that happened constantly in the camps did not just have to watch people die, or eve seeing the massive piles of dead bodies but the Germans made the Jews burn their fellow prisoners bodies in the crematoriums. The Jews were taken out of their homes and thrown into camps, while watching people die all around them if cruel and violent conditions as the Germans heartlessly treated them like animals. Through-out the novel Night’, it is shown that under such cruel and heartless conditions that the prisoners begin to turn on each other. Such acts of violence not only from the Germans but also from fallow in-mates attack and sometimes kill one another. While for some they didn’t want to act in such horrific ways, but only to survive they didn’t what was needed. One of the first glimpses of how the prisoners would do what even it takes to survive even if it meet kill someone close to them was that of the son and father. On the train to Buchenwald, as it passes through German towns, some German works through a little bit of bread into the carts of the train, as the prisoners begin to fight over the bread the works get amused by it and begin to throw more. As a result of the bread being thrown on the train many die, to the amusement of the German works. One of the in-mates that die is through, prisoners turning on each other, the old man died as a result of his own son not having any will-power it overcome the temptation of being able toShow MoreRelatedEliezer Wiesels Relationships1270 Words   |  6 Pages Elie Wiesel was a young boy, when his life changed drastically. He was born in Sighet, Transylvania, which is now Romania. He was born to Shlomo and Sarah, which they had four children, Hilda, Bea, Tsiporah, and Eliezer. Wiesel and his family practiced the Jewish religion, before he was forced into the concentration camps. In the novel Night, Elie Wiesel had a strong belief in God. When Elie and his family were sent off to the concentration camps, he tested his belief in God. In the novel NightRead MorePeople Hating People throughout History793 Words   |  3 Pagesin their hands, engraved a number on our left arms. I became A7713. After that I had no other name.†(Wiesel 39). Wiesel is talking about how his identity was just taken away from him. And how it was so easy to just become a number, and nothing but a number, so quickly. He had no other identity other than the one given to him when his original name was taken away from him. As a result, Mr. Wiesel and many other humans have and are being stripped of their identity and becoming, or have become, nothingRead MoreNight And Black Boy Comparative Essay860 Words   |  4 PagesNight and Black Boy Comparative Essay Elie Wiesel’s Night and Richard Wright’s Black Boy are memoirs based on their authors’ experiences with discrimination. They both take place during the 1940s, and though Night is set in Nazi-dominated Europe and Black Boy is set in the American South, many parallels can be drawn between Elie and Richard’s experiences. Elie and Richard both face extensive discrimination based on their race, but can do little to change their situations. As a result, they are forcedRead MoreThe Holocaust Violated Human Rights Essay example2617 Words   |  11 Pagesat this time that the Germans began to practice their inhumanity. There was no secret of the violence that the Jews suffered. Everyone, young, middle-aged, or old could witness the destruction of public morality (Wollenberg 15). One eyewitness account of what took place during the Holocaust is Elie Wiesel’s Night. His autobiography gives an account of what happened to the Jews as well as how Hitler destroyed human rights during his reign. Wiesel uses his personal accounts to show justRead MoreThe Holocaust Final Exam Essay Essay2078 Words   |  9 PagesThe Holocaust Final Exam Essay Gerald J. Golden II University of Detroit Mercy Prompt 4 As scary as it may seem, I see many similarities to Germany in the 1930’s and the United states present day. You may ask yourself why do you feel this way seeing we seem so very different than this foreign country. In this first prompt, I will try to explain my point of view and explore what may need to be said to Mr. Trump to prevent and act like this from occurring yet another time. History isRead MoreHunger Games vs.Holocaust Essay examples1273 Words   |  6 PagesThe game players were there to entertain the people of the capitol and to remind the districts of their vulnerability.   This is similar to the situation of the Jews in Night.   They produced goods and services for the Nazi’s.   Their gold crowns were removed form their teeth so the Nazi could use the gold’s during the war (52 Wiesel). Toward the end of The Hunger Games, the stylist team prepared the winner Katniss for her appearance on the stage.   The team was more focused on what they were doing atRead More The Use of Narratives to Express the Religious Beliefs of People in Western Religions1954 Words   |  8 Pagesin which our society identifies the Western religions. The Jewish tradition is best correlated to stories like the Exodus and the parting of the Red Seas, for example, as are the many tales of the miracles of Jesus connected to Christianity. This essay will pres ent narratives as an easy method of providing the basic groundwork for the Western religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam because of their simplicity and easily transmittable nature. Furthermore, narratives impart many ofRead MoreHistory and Laws of Death Penalty2834 Words   |  11 Pagesof the 1700s the abolitionist movements towards the death penalty bargain. The first person to call for an end of this form of punishment was a European, Cesare Beccaria. He wrote an essay which he called On Crimes and Punishment in which he argued that the states had no right to take an individuals life. His essay provided renewed energy to all those who were against the death penalty and the result was an abolition of this punishment in Austria and Tuscany. In the United States the first efforts

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Justification for Torture Free Essays

Torture is a scenario that dates back to the old government ages. Is government torture ever justified? This answer is can be answered by this quote,†Torturing the terrorist is unconstitutional? Probably. But millions of lives surely outweigh constitutionality â€Å"(Levin 1). We will write a custom essay sample on Justification for Torture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Who would not save the lives of fellow citizens If the only option to solve the issue was torturing an individual for his crimes? Many people would see the situation as a sacrifice for the better of the people. The lives of Americans should be the most important priority of a nation. Torture is justified as long it is for the safety of the people and not for the mere cause of violence. Torture is the considered to be a harmful mentally and physically to anyone. It is a very well known method in the time of war. There have been many cases where it used on children and women. The course of torture can range from physical abuse to sexual abuse. Those are without a doubt an international crime. Using torture on innocent human being is completely out of the question. The use of torture in terms of water boarding on terrorist can be another matter. Torture without a doubt is a cruel treatment for an individual but it must be a nation policy (Falbaum 15). Saving innocent lives should be a governments priority in a â€Å"ticking time bomb † scenario. The scenario states, lets say an officer, got control of a terrorist planning an attack on hundreds of people. It is highly likely this terrorist will be interrogated by other officials to obtain information about the attack. Torture should be an option if the individual refuses to give the data to save hundreds of lives. Falbaum also mentions that 9/11 attack could been prevented if the United States had torture as part of their system. If the US policy was more strict at those times the terrorist would have feared their policy or would have captured their leader and gained details about the whereabouts of the attack. A poll shows that majority of registered citizens prefer harsh techniques that can keep America safe (Bauer 27). The society should support inhumane behaviors like torture if it is seen as last hope for innocent lives. Successful interrogations can keep America safe for the future. The world revolves around information and if your country is lacking information, terrorists can take advantage of the situation. Using torture on terrorists to gain information will benefit in prevention of future attacks on the country. Marc A. Thiessen goes into detail how many terrorists that have been interrogated provided them with reliable information that ended up saving thousands of American lives. â€Å"Thiessen believes that terrorist suspects will talk if pressured in the right way† (Thiessen 36). Some people may argue that torture does not provide the right detail because the victim will say anything to stop the deadly act. A statement said by the terrorist Abu Zubayah explains that captive terrorist tends to resist as long as they can, if they fail to do this they are given permission by their religious belief to tell what they have known. â€Å"The job of the interrogator is to safely help the terrorist do his duty to Allah, so he then feels liberated to speak freely â€Å"(Thiessen 40). It leads to show if the US practice and enhance their torture techniques it will lead to a safer nation. What techniques can be considered torture? Water-boarding is the act where the victim is drained water on his head to stimulate the pain of drowning. Water-boarding to Joseph Farah is not considered torture. He states that the technique is relatively safe with the right management. Not only that he argues that United State also practice this technique on their own soldiers as training (Farah 82). According to him while water-boarding is very abhorrent it is not as bad as cutting of a hand or anything gore. The truth is Water-boarding is very effective and most of the time the result are given in less than a minute. The success stories range from learning about al-Qaida’s top plans. It is said that the terrorist agents resisted normal interrogations for hours and hours but gave into water-boarding sooner than the word can be said. This scenario can happen anywhere in the nation. Lets say an al-Qaida member was captured by the CIA and found whereabouts of bombs being placed around a city. They hire the top of the line negotiators to spoil the information. The real question still remains. Will they be able to make the terrorist member talk before it’s too late? Then again we could resort to the use of water-boarding and save their lives before it is too late. It is not like we have torn their limbs off to order to get the information. â€Å"But a few seconds of dripping water on a prisoner’s face? That’s not torture to me â€Å"(Feah 85). Some believe that torture disregard true American standards. Patrick J. Buchanan gives a great insight about this issue. He states that torture is viable as long as it fit to save the American people. It is just like how murder is seen unethical yet you see soldiers and cops given the permission to kill as long as it fits the right scenario (Buchanan 55). Would a war hero that killed twenty men in order to rescue 2,000 citizens receive a death sentence? Just because he murdered 20 men, no. He would be honored as a hero he so deserved to be. There are doctors that inflicts pain to many soldiers in the war field by cutting of parts of their body. This saves their life by preventing death by decay. These are one of the exceptions that torture should be given into. Take for example someone’s son or daughter was captivated by a terrorist group. One of their remember was found, he would not spoil or hint any information by simple conversations. What will a parent would want from the government to do? It does not matter if they oppose torture or not, a parent would choose water-boarding compared to the death of their child. Torture is not to be taken lightly but should be considered an option if the situation arise. Torture should the last option if it ever to be used. It a very sensitive topic for many people. There are groups that strongly rejects torture in any situation and there are people that support torture if it leads to saving lives. Ultimately saving lives should be the priority of any government. If it result in agreeing to an â€Å"harsh techniques † like water-boarding to stop future 9/11 attacks, the majority will agree. It is very hard to come to a conclusion about this specific topic because both sides can provide very good viewpoints. It will be one of those controversial topic that will go on for decades. How to cite Justification for Torture, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Target’s Australia Social Media Presence and Strategy Sample for Stude

Question: Discuss Targets Australia Social Media Presence and Strategy? Answer: Introduction Target is a famous discount retailer in the Australia slightly following in the retail business. The present competitive business environment demands the use of diverse means towards achieving a large market share in the business world. The brand has managed to market itself to the diverse target audience using various marketing strategies aimed at promoting and advertising products to its consumers. The social media presents a wide tool for creating marketing opportunities aimed at growing the awareness of the firm and consequently increasing its revenues (Paniagua Sapena, 2014). The paper looks at the diverse means through which Target Australia uses the social media to access its audience, promote its products, and obtain a significant market share. Social Media Presence Target Australia as a player ranked among the top retailers has a well-designed social strategy that cuts across the major and dominant social sites. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media sites have a large following essential for the promotion of business ventures (Mercadal, 2014). Facebook has a growing user number of over a billion people with Twitter reaching almost half a billion with the other ones attracting large followings at their local levels. Target uses the diverse sites in creating awareness of its company and growing its brand recognition. Indeed, the firm does a lot to increase its social media presence owing to the numerous fans on the diverse pages created by the company. First, Target has a fan page on Facebook where the over 2000 likes demonstrate the level of awareness the firm has created for its business (Kaplan Haenlein, 2010). Besides having the high number of likes on the site, the firm goes beyond the likes to maintaining the high level of engagement that creates traffic to its social site. Therefore, Facebook presence proves the high rate of presence for the firm given the response and engagement by its customers. Besides, the firm has a strong presence on the Twitter site through the handle @Target, which experiences a high traffic that proves the efforts of the enterprise to increase awareness and development in business (Gaudin, 2015). Target Australia takes advantage of the offering by using the social media source to respond promptly to customer queries and interact with clients towards creating a good relationship. With the media source being wide and reaching several individuals, the firm manages to maintain a great presence on the site while meeting the needs of its clients through timely response (Albarran, 2013). Consequently, the individuals satisfied with the firm refer others to the site thereby growing the brand recognition. Moreover, the firm uses the Instagram handle in creating awareness of its products by uploading photos of the products on offer which increases the brand recognition for the business. The firm maintains the awareness by addressing the issues raised on a commodity thus remaining relevant in the market (Guth Marsh, 2016). The number of likes on the images indicates the kind of engagement that justifies the awareness rate of the firm (Percy, Elliott, Rosenbaum-Elliott, 2016). Maintaining the presence in the top three leading social sites as well as others in the local levels increases the brand name of the firm through the awareness created. Consequently, it is evident that the firm maintains a steady presence on the social media which boosts Targets brand name. Target succeeds in maintaining its presence since it attracts consumers using a 360-degree approach by remaining present in the diverse social sites (Gaudin, 2015). Therefore, it is realistic that the firm maintains a significant presence on the social media judging from the active participation by individuals as well the promise of marketing using the social media. Social Media Audience The social media is composed of diverse categories of people from all walks of life. Target as a retailer enjoys the diverse opportunity created by the social media and the nature of its business whose goods can be used by the broad category of individuals in the Australian market (Target 2017). Facebook presents a considerable percentage of the internet users in the world. The platform gives individuals the chance to reach its customers who exist on the social media (Johnson, 2016). The social media audience presents a significant market for the business of the firm who through their interaction manage to create concern and awareness of the business model (Scott, 2015). Judging from the case of numerous followers who respond and engage in conversations with the company, it is evident that the firm has a considerably high number of audiences on the social media. Besides, the social media users exist in the societies who are active consumers of the products by the firm (Fan, Gordon, 2014). In this case, the firm has a huge audience who are connected through the social sites based on the interaction levels experienced in the social media page. At the same time, the social media has a high percentage of youths who remain in active participation on the social site. As a result, the youths act as marketers for different groups thus leading to a high probability of individuals seeking and giving a referral to others thus expanding the audience for the business (Kohli, Suri Kapoor, 2015). The firm uses the social media to build its audience through advertising the products all over the social media and on their fan pages thus leading to the adoption of increased numbers of the audience for the business (Zhu Chen, 2015). The fact that the business develops products used by a broad population increases the number of audience for the firm. Social Media Marketing The social media remains one of the most active avenues in for marketing of products and services of companies. In this respect, Target benefits a lot by using the avenue to promote, market, and address the issues on products leading to customer acceptability of the products (Leonardi, 2015). Marketing is a concept that can only be viable when the right people have been targeted for marketing (Schlinke Crain, 2013). Target as a firm achieves the marketing concept through the diverse means it uses to reach its online social media individuals. The firm has a huge presence on the social media which experiences a constant interaction from most of the clients seeking help or recommending changes on a product. The platform presents huge opportunities for marketing that the firm uses to promote its products. The firm uses the channel in promotion the products it offers by taking a photo of the same and having them published. Once published, the reviewers and consumers are given a chance to comment on the products and air out their concerns leading to prompt address (Jin, Liu, Austin, 2014). In the same way, an increased number of people get to know of the products and more so the product itself. The responses given on the advertising efforts reveal the type of commitment placed on the firms use of the social media. The diverse people present get to know of the products on offer thus marketing the products as well as its brand name (Aral, Dellarocas Godes, 2013). Besides, the firm in its marketing venture considers the aspect of referrals where it asks its fans to refer clients to its business through the provision of a link that redirects individual to the main website where they can view the products and grow the possibility of becoming clients (Dijkmans, Kerkhof, Beukeboom, 2015). Besides, the firm markets its brand name by addressing the concerns of the respondents on their business offering in a way that attracts new and existing clients to the business. Satisfied customers whose queries on issues are addressed earlier tend to find favor with a firm and increase their ability to refer others to a service (Dijkmans, Kerkhof, Beukeboom, 2015). In this respect, the firm accepts the errors expressed by clients and provide a timely solution for their products. In so doing, customers tend to draw close to such businesses and increase their loyalty standards thus reaching a wide population of individuals. Communication with clients is an important marketing concept that the firm utilizes through the social media platforms. For instance, the firm has a Facebook page where it writes to inform its clients of different products and allows for complaints to be lodged where the customer support team addresses such concerns (Vernuccio, 2014). In the process of solving issues, the firm manages to reach others who upon viewing the provisions can draw a liking to the products on offer. Therefore, the communication aspect of the business manages to act positively towards marketing the products and the brand name of the firm. Moreover, the firm takes the initiative of close relationship with its clients towards furthering its marketing efforts. The firm engages in the social lives with its fans by sending them birthday wishes and other holiday gifts through the social media (Dijkmans, Kerkhof Beukeboom, 2015). The concept creates an attachment with the consumers on its fan base thus developing the aspect of inclusivity in the main business (Target, 2017). As individual develop the sense of belonging, they tend to draw closer to the business increasing their loyalty standards. Besides, the peer influence acts positively in this case, where firms upon experiencing the kind of relationship created tend to develop a liking for the business thus joining in the business. Target uses the seasonal approach to market its goods to the customers. For instance, the firm promotes back to school products on its fan pages where a link exists to its mobile app (Gaudin, 2015). In the app, the firm provides a checklist to its clients which provide ease in choosing products in its back to school campaign. A classic example of the case is in the advertisement of the goods during fathers day where the firm displayed a product and beneath left the message Give dad something he can show off! while posting the image of sunglasses, watch, and t-shirt available at its store (Gaudin, 2015). The marketing tool appeals to individuals who would most probably be convinced to purchase a product for the fathers day. Besides, it gives alternatives for customers preferring their selection; the firm in its app provides a styler tool which allows for customization of products needed (Mangold Faulds, 2009). Such provisions giving ease to the clients promote product purchase and the growth of a brand name. Furthermore, the firm promotes knowledge of its business through the social media where in its posts gives the store location of its several outlets to clients for ease of purchase. Clients can then interact and seek for stores close to their neighborhood and have the response team reply with the location. Publishing the locations across the social sites enables a strategic marketing plan of the stores which contribute to its overall business goals. Social responsibilities act as core marketing initiative that leads to product awareness to the market. The firm carries out its CSR activities to the community and publishes the images and information on a particular activity. The firm donates 5 percent of its revenues to charitable events as in the case of 'Give with Target' aimed at funding education ventures for the less fortunate (Target, 2017). Consequently, the interaction with individuals through the initiative allows for a positive image which attracts consumers to the business. Eventually, the firm posts the images of the projects in progress to increase the touch with the community. Customers and other social media users pleased with the initiative tend to rate the firm positively thus leading to potential clients and adoption of a significant market for the commodities. Ethics, Privacy, and Security Marketing on the social media calls for certain ethical considerations for the public and the end users. First, the firm stays away from controversies and biases by neutralizing their advertisements to base on pure business concepts and hence providing no alignment to along ethical, cultural, or political lines which might limit its marketability (Target, 2017). Besides, the firm considers the right to privacy and thus stays away from the use of personal email obtained from the social media sites to promote its products (Gaudin, 2015). In any case, it seeks to do so, it seeks for permission from individual users who themselves have to grant permission before execution of such actions. The firm remains transparent and explains the products it offers for marketing and the relevance of the product to their lives. Before posting a tweet, the customer car department thinks of the comment to avoid an adverse effect on the users. In this case, it considers ethical guidelines towards marketing. The considerations allow the firm to propel in the market as it stays away from controversy while responding to the market demands adequately. Social Media Technologies Target uses several social media technologies in its business for marketing, creating awareness, and interacting with its clients. Facebook is the widely used technology by the firm where it shares blogs of its products, events, and updates on the business ventures (Target, 2017). Besides, it shares pictures on the firms activities, shares social responsibilities done by the firm, and posting videos of the same. At the same time, it posts poll questions on the services provided thus finding statistics on the product development (Target, 2017). Moreover, the firm uses the technology through an event page where all the information for the firm remains open to the public. On the other hand, the firm uses LinkedIn in running its advertisements and registers events while checking the profile of the attendees. Besides, it uses the site to create a LinkedIn group for different events and promote its products through the same avenue. In the same line, the firm uses Twitter by creating dedicated event hashtags where views and suggestions on the event and be communicated by individuals towards spreading awareness (Target, 2017). At the same time, photos advertising products can be posted on the social media thereby reaching out to several people in the society. The tweets remain relevant to the business thus promoting the activities and revenue stream of the business. Youtube and Flickr remain essential sites for posting videos of the firms presentations and social activities aimed at marketing and creating awareness of the business (Target, 2017). Conclusion Target Australia as a firm makes good use of the social media as an avenue to marketing products in the competitive world. The firm manages to meet the diverse needs of its clients by maintaining a large presence on the sites that have huge followings more so by its clients. Besides, it uses the avenue to create awareness of the upcoming events and products which end up popularizing the stores to individuals. The firm manages to stand out from the rest of the businesses by advertising to the present diverse audience on the social media. In this respect, the firm engages its customers in interactive talks and chats that lead to awareness creation on the diverse products sold by the firm. The careful selection of sites and ethical considerations are essential towards its productivity. Therefore, it is evident that the firm remains ahead in the use of the latest technology provisions to meet and resolve concerns raised by clients concerning its business. References Albarran, A. B. (2013).The social media industries. Routledge. Aral, S., Dellarocas, C., Godes, D. (2013). Introduction to the special issuesocial media and business transformation: a framework for research.Information Systems Research,24(1), 3-13. Dijkmans, C., Kerkhof, P., Beukeboom, C. J. (2015). A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation.Tourism Management,47, 58-67. Dijkmans, C., Kerkhof, P., Beukeboom, C. J. (2015). A stage to engage: Social media use and corporate reputation.Tourism Management,47, 58-67. Fan, W., Gordon, M. D. (2014). The power of social media analytics.Communications of the ACM,57(6), 74-81. Gaudin, S. (2015). 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