Saturday, April 25, 2020

Life Sciences free essay sample

If, for example, three reasons are required and five are given Mark the first three irrespective of whether all or some are correct/incorrect. If whole process is given when only part of it is required Read all and credit relevant part. If comparisons are asked for and descriptions are given Accept if differences/similarities are clear. If tabulation is required but paragraphs are given Candidates will lose marks for not tabulating. If diagrams are given with annotations when descriptions are required Candidates will lose marks. If flow charts are given instead of descriptions Candidates will lose marks. If sequence is muddled and links do not make sense Where sequence and links are correct, credit. Where sequence and links is incorrect, do not credit. If sequence and links becomes correct again, resume credit. Non-recognized abbreviations Accept if first defined in answer. If not defined, do not credit the unrecognised abbreviation but credit the rest of answer if correct. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Sciences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Wrong numbering If answer fits into the correct sequence of questions but the wrong number is given, it is acceptable. Indicate that the candidates numbering is wrong. If language used changes the intended meaning Do not accept. Spelling errors If recognizable accept provided it does not mean something else in Life Sciences or if it is out of context. If common names given in terminology Accept, provided it was accepted at the National memo discussion meeting. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Copyright reserved Please turn over Life Sciences/P1 (Version 2) (Part-time) 3 NSC – Memorandum DBE/November 2011 14. If only letter is asked for and only name is given (and vice versa) No credit. If units are not given in measurements Memorandum will allocate marks for units separately, except where it is already given in the question. Be sensitive to the sense of an answer, which may be stated in a different way. Caption Credit will be given for captions to all illustrations (diagrams, graphs, tables, etc. ) except where it is already given in the question. Code-switching of official languages (terms and concepts) A single word or two that appears in any official language other than the learners assessment language used to the greatest extent in his/her answers should be credited, if it is correct.

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